336. How To Become Unstoppable & Win At Life
At any given point in time, we often times measure our success by physical matters which are only relevant for this current point and place in time. Perhaps what kind of a joy you have, how many things you have, maybe how much money you have. Your house, your car, etc. But the truth is, many of these things can be gone in an instant. And what are you left with?
Not only that, but consider the trials and tribulations you’ve been through in this lifetime. You’ve faced fears, problems, and more. But how have you gotten through? There’s not just resiliency, but everything which comes alongside resiliency. Your ability to manage your own life, your organization, your stress. Your ability to interact with others and ask for help, etc. But what is truly the most important thing at the end of the day? Your ability to transmute old, negative and stagnant energy. And alongside this, perhaps your hope, faith and optimism, and openness and willingness to change.
There’s no guide for success for many reasons. It’s unique to each and every person. While it’s true that there can be “bottled” steps for success, this has no use or effect if someone is not wanting or unwilling to change. But often times, we struggle with knowing this or understanding it. But beyond that, energy is constantly shifting and changing. There’s no way what’s right in the now will be relevant perhaps months, but especially years from now.
Our “bounceback” period is much quicker when we have experience and are more mature. But the largest part of this is that we know how to deal with certain situations and react to them. Even if we haven’t faced it specifically before, we’ve faced very similar experiences, but perhaps a different physical manifestation, or maybe just a “smaller” version of it.
The truth is, we will never know what is in store for us in the future. But our ability to exist, react and transmute as humans will make us truly unstoppable. We will be able to overcome anything, no matter what it is. Having a system in place for going through these types of experiences can be particularly helpful. Consider the below for you ways to be unstoppable and win at life, no matter what:
Align to your intuition
Have a plan in place for uncertain experiences or events (this can be broad, loose or overarching, depending on your desires and/or specific circumstances
Remain open-minded and be open to new options and opportunities
Practice transmuting old, negative or stagnant energy (check the first posting on my blog)
Retain faith, hope and optimism
Adapt to change
As humans, we don’t know what’s in store for us as a collective. This isn’t just individual-centric. Of course, taking on more personal responsibility will make us feel more secure overall. But again, it will only go so far. Learn how to survive, and hopefully thrive, in unforeseen circumstances. But most importantly, be self aware of your negative experiences and trauma and know how it’s affecting you. Seek out sources to help you dissolve or transmute it. Remember, you are not your negative experiences and traumas.