337. Why I Support Modern Medicine


So I talk a lot about different healing modalities, the plusses and minuses of each. And for all intents and purposes, I stan eastern medicine. I am a certified Reiki Master, I support holistic healing. And although it’s not overly integrated into my life, as a channeler, I completely understand the benefit of holistic, spiritual healing.

On occasion, it’s been asked of me whether or not I am a supporter of western medicine. I think the better question is… how can I not be, for the time being? But I suppose there is where it’s complicated.

I’ve spoken a bit about our over-reliance on the idea of a “quick fix”. As a society that’s somewhat unwilling to face down our demons, there’s no other way of dealing with our problems and symptoms, other than western medicine. We must acknowledge that eastern medicine is, at its peak performance, a lifestyle.

Right now as a society, we are unwilling to give up our “quick fixes”. Our reliance on the education system, as well as the formulaic approach to evidence. And why should we? It’s working. The only issue is that it will only work for so long, until another disease, illness or problem comes along. If you haven’t been keen on history, things tend to multiply, manifest and create “anew”. And therefore, our efforts are only for a certain time or a short while being. This isn’t to discount how well we’ve managed to save people’s lives. It is truly remarkable. Yet, I do wonder it’s “remarkability” when we do seem to be creating our own problems, and without our modern western medicine, we’ve seemed to flourish as humans, or at least survive, for quite some time.

So as for now, people need western medicine to live. Would I love it if we could eventually transition over to all eastern medicine? Of course. But it might not be for some time. We’ve physically manifested so many problems, we must physically manifest so many solutions. Until we deduce and minimize our energies as a whole, we may never get there. I am looking to get into deduction and minimization as a way to “save” our species, so stay tuned for that.

As we continue to evolve, our medicine will evolve. And it is my hope that we won’t be over-reliant on the healthcare system. At times, I do wonder if its failure is almost required, in order to not support a sick and failing society. This isn’t to say that we should stop fueling the healthcare industry. In fact, we should be supporting it more and improving it, particularly holistic healing and mental health services. But it’s not a surprise to me that it’s not doing as well as it can be.

One of the biggest parts of this conversation is intervention medicine. If someone is in a dire situation, I not only recommend, but I require that licensed professional help is needed. And that is because, spiritual integration in an emergency situation will likely not be helpful. For true “work” to be done, particularly transmission of negative energy, clients need to be in a good enough space that they are aware, lucid and receptive to what’s going on. If clients are not in their own bodies or manic, it will not be helpful. So essentially, the work that I support can never begin, if there’s not intervention-type medicine which is provided. And of course, one could argue that there is intervention-type medication for eastern medicine, or, that with an eastern medicine program, one could avoid an emergency, I hear you. But I just don’t feel it’s based in reality at the exact moment for many people.

So to sum up, I am pro western medicine for the time being, so that people can continue to receive the care that they need, and in particular, receive intervention-type of services which will make them more accepting or susceptible to spiritual help and healing.

Despite my interest in the topic, I do not currently have a plan in mind to integrate people into this new way of living, however I will keep it at the back of my mind. I do believe that increased interest and research will help people continue to integrate into their life. Acceptance and acknowledgment are really the first two steps.


338. Why Our Perceptions Of Masculine & Feminine Are Warped


336. How To Become Unstoppable & Win At Life