340. Music Tell The Stories Of Our Lives
One of my favorite spiritual topics is music: In my opinion, music is one of the best conductors of energy as well as emotion. Music not only transcends emotions in this lifetime, but I also find that it transcends them in other lifetimes as well. I can recall several times as a kid hearing a song and KNOWING I had heart it before. After all, throughout time, lots of unique riffs and melodies have been created, but in some way shape or form, they are just “versions” of ones which already sound similar. There’s all somewhat of a base creation that already exists. There’s likely infinite number of songs that can be created which are entirely new, but how often is it that we hear one thinking… I’ve heard something similar before.
But regardless of that, I’m more interested in the layerings in songs. But why? A couple of reasons. I do find that as someone with lots of Capricorn placements, i’m naturally drawn to different “layers”. There’s something about foundations and buildings which brings me deep satisfaction. I love how simply adding one element can change the entire story or trajectory of a song, but also the concept of layering itself. We know that certain vibrations and frequencies can be, but what happens when these sounds are layered on top of each other?
One could argue that in the healing frequency sense, perhaps layering one on top of the other muddies the waters. It makes it more difficult for the frequencies to be received, picked up, and do their job. We can theorize that this is similar to fractal theory. When/where there’s “more”, there’s more of a challenge of refining and deducing, and therefore it may not be as effective. Similar to how when you receive one stuffed animal as a gift, you may receive the “benefit” of said stuffed animal. But what happens when you’re gifted 600? It takes on a different, more stressful meaning, and perhaps it loses the point. However, these are all still theories.
What if the healing can be improved by layering? Well, in order for this to be true, it would likely have to be the case that different frequencies would have to correspond or “help” each other. They should essentially mesh together, so that the intended energetic intention of the song is more successful. So if you have historically “sad” instruments in your song, but super happy lyrics, of course there could be cases where this dichotomy works, but we can assume this is a more challenging “get”. I think this happens often when/where songs just “don’t work”. Different elements are clashing, because they don’t inherently work together to “deliver” this intended energetic effect. But why would this be the case?
In fractals, all energies are assigned somewhat of a concept, theme or energetic “signature” which is unique. While a beat or melody may not represent an item or an object, it can certainly represent a cadence or rhythm in which we live our life. This could be low vibrational, high vibrational, fast, slow, happy, sad, etc. They are brought, but they still have some type of classification or categorization. Particularly when they are more specific/unique, and/or when they are a part of this larger, layering process. A beat in itself is not inherently part of a genre, but perhaps its pacing is. Similar to the use of other musical instruments.
One of the most interesting parts of this conversation is the aspect of a timeline. We can assume in this case, our timeline is about 3 minutes long, which is around the timing of an average song. We can ask ourselves… what is happening on this timeline? Typically there are different parts of a song. The intro, a bridge, a chorus, the ending, etc. There are lots of different elements which take us through this story, whether or not there are lyrics. I find that songs in general, since they are timelines, encapsulate our different experiences in this lifetime, if not our entire experience in this lifetime. After all, a timeline is a timeline. This makes me wonder if every single element fo a song is a part of this story. What if the chorus was a past experience, the drums are the cadence in which you live your life, the guitar is how you’re feeling in the present moment, and so on? Our brains will automatically receive the different intended energies, and run them through our perception values. It may sound silly or like magic, but we know for a fact that music makes us feel a certain way. Why? There has to be a way to deduce the meaning of songs, how we perceive it and what it means for us individually. And I find that this is related to our past experiences, our current mood/state, and where we’re looking to go, or perhaps alignment to our interests and life purpose.
Each element of a song is a certain part of a story, and the whole song is the encapsulation of it. This is often times why we may feel one way when going into a song, and another way, or “closure” getting out of it. We so often times take for granted how we’re feeling during a song, but there’s so much more which is going on subconsciously. I”m sure you can also think of songs which automatically transport you back to a certain point and place in time. If one song can do that on a conscious level, imagine what other songs are doing on a subconscious level. All of the past lives you’ve lived, all of the experiences you’ve had. Your brain is likely processing this at a very fast rate. This is why it’s so important to choose your music carefully. Not only should it be in alignment with you, but it should also be in alignment with where you’re going. But don’t worry, though. You don’t have to think too hard about it. You simply have to act on your impulse and intuition. If a song is stuck in your head, listen to it!
There’s an unlimited amount of descriptions, answers and categorizations we can make for any sort of sound or frequency. The fact that we’ve made such brilliant works of art (one perspective), but also quite overcomplicated it (another perspective) is fascinating. The complications of our songs can also largely speak to our evolution. The more simple a song, the more likely it speaks to the more simplified version of us. This is often times why brilliantly complicated songs may be able to speak to the collective in a way that nothing or no one else can. The more complex and evolved we are, the more challenging it will be to hit all of those spots. But at the end of the day, simple songs or let’s say, frequencies, will certainly do the job. Music can be inspirational, if it shares a story you haven’t lived. It can be cathartic, if you’re looking to process. It can literally change your energetic state to transmute energy. It’s absolutely incredible. We should continue to dissect music, for our purposes, for the collective’s purposes, and understand how it can be a valuable tool in our healing. Whether it’s on a simple, frequency level, or on an inspiring, creative level. I suppose whatever sounds good or “speaks” to us… literally.