339. How To Reach Peak Evolvement


It’s interesting to consider what evolution is. Is it simply forward motion, or is there something truly different about “evolution”. The irony of evolution from an energetic standpoint is that the less old, negative and stagnant energy we are inhabiting, theoretically the more “evolved” we are. So as human beings, we’re essentially large filters of this energy. Shifting and changing our perception value. But the concept of evolution is interesting and can be argued. And I wonder if evolution is different for different species and timelines.

From our perspective, different species of animals evolve because their physical bodies become more and more adapting of their environment. I suppose the same thing is true for us. As our intelligence increases, we find more and more was of helping ourselves adapt to our environment. But are we simply just perpetuating versus evolving? if we imagine that energy, and therefore conscious energy is essentially infinite, we would have intentionally incarnated on this planet with little to know intelligence, at least by our standards. Intelligence however is relative, so hypothetically we may have been more intelligent back then. Let’s also consider babies, there’s an intention as to why they have less intelligence than when they are older. I’m not entirely sure what it is, but needless to say, it’s intentional because it’s reality. Another good example as to how our experiences are directly related to our intelligence(s). If we do consider that we have past lives, perhaps in some way shape or form, those densities, dimensions, or our relationship with their perception value was so vastly different then it is/was now, we need to completely re-do our way of thinking and being. It reminds us of how incredibly different we all are, and by some miracle, we usually end up getting along. Sometimes.

So we’re a little bit hazy on the evolution. Another wrench in the plan is what evolution is relative. Are we talking about our own evolution in comparison to a collective and/or an environment, or are we talking about our human collective versus any and all energies in the universe. It’s a good question. Considering everything boils down to us, I don’t think it’s a bad idea to look at this from our own perspective.

SO we’re a little bit hazy on evolution, but maybe we can chalk it up to just being “better” than we were before, relative to our given circumstances and environment. It’s just a weird sort of consideration when we realize that we are inhabiting lots of old, negative and stagnant energy, and just kind of perpetually pushing it forward. I would imagine that releasing this is likely the way that we go about achieving this evolution.

But should we consider intention setting and manifestation into the mix? I think it may be a combination of both. We’re all likely familiar with the idea of law of attraction and setting goals. But in what ways does this fall flat/short? we are only seeking out an intended result for what we know. What’s in our current sphere. Are we really pushing ourselves to be specific enough yet open enough to consider and be doing the impossible? If you want a car and a home and success in your current job, maybe a partner, are you truly evolving? Perhaps yourself, but maybe not the collective. And maybe that doesn’t matter. But are there people who are required to step up and not only take responsibility for themselves, but the rest of us? To take the reigns and steer the collective forward? I’m not sure, but based on historical examples, I would say yes. Perhaps it’s time to ask yourself whether or not you are asked to take on this responsibility. Or if anyone is really asked in general, they just simply step up to the plate which is currently empty. We after all different from animals. Our evolution is intellectual, and not automatic or physical. So I guess it’s time that we should talk about evolution.


340. Music Tell The Stories Of Our Lives


338. Why Our Perceptions Of Masculine & Feminine Are Warped