342. The Trauma Of “Lack Of”


Often times we consider trauma to be things and events which have happened to us. Whether it’s ages of abuse, or a singular moment which changes our lives forever. Although we can consciously understand that being in “lack of” qualifies as abuse, and in no less way, it’s somewhat less talked about. But I want to dive into the trauma of lack of, what it means, and how it may affect us, metaphysically, over time.

From an energetic perspective, we “acquire” negative energies from certain events. They exist as energetic orbs throughout our body. We work hard to transmute them, but sometimes they stay. But what happens when we experience lack of care, lack of intention, and lack of love?

The first thing to note is that our perception value is measured by our experiences. It’s how we see the world. So if we’ve never experienced the world in a way which has shown us or provided us these energies, we never connect with them, we never experience them, and they never become a part of our energetic bodies. So does something end up filling the hole? The answer is likely… no. Although I do feel it’s possible. The problem with the answer not being no, is that we can cultivate experiences which we consciously feel are love, care, intention and more, but they truly aren’t, and we don’t know that because, again, we’ve never really experienced them. This can construct a warped sense of reality and a perpetual disconnection. In my opinion, being in lack of from the start of our incarnation here on earth, may be even more difficult and long-term damaging than an over-abundance of energy. It’s challenging to know what exists… when you don’t know. I do feel that a large majority of mental disorders or personality disorders are due to “lack of”, but again… it’s not something that we talk about on a peer to peer level, even if it is acknowledged in science and psychology.

We can hypothetically assume that lack of is in essence… disconnection. Something in which we were never properly connected to, and therefore have had to “accumulate” energies or perhaps even a block or wall in its absence.

But here’s the interesting part of the conversation Are we not a clear/clean vessel when we incarnate into this lifetime? One would assume that we would be entirely connected. So perhaps “lack of” is just very small strikes of negativity and trauma overtime. Pushing and reassuring that one will disconnect and never become connected again. A mental and/or emotional mind game. In essence… death by a thousand cuts.

It likely feels impossible to “change” when you’ve been conditioned and since birth, a certain way. One would ask how on earth they could change their lives around, particularly in such a late stage.

I do feel that we go through certain experiences for a reason. And perhaps these learning lessons are on their own timeline, only meant to be “awakened” at a certain time. Otherwise, I imagine it’s just up to one’s subconscious to know that there’s opportunity to change. The good thing, particularly now, is that we have an unlimited number of ways to connect to others and see their lives, and gain inspiration. Maybe we can’t feel a certain type of love, but if we watch a movie of two characters falling in love, we can understand the physical outcome, and may decide we want it for ourselves.

I wonder if lack of isn’t exactly the right word, it’s only the physical description of what is going on. Maybe we are never, ever truly in lack of, we are simply in an over abundance or over inundated state of being compromised and bombarded by energy. It’s certainly an interesting topic.


343. The Point Of Negative Entities


341. Be Careful When You Say You “Don’t Believe”