343. The Point Of Negative Entities
Here we are again (lol). Talking about negative entities. My most commonly controversial topic. I will say to immediately remove yourself from this page if you’re not interested in hearing more!
Ok, you’re still here. So let’s talk about what the point of negative entities is. I find that the answer largely lies in our perception value, and how we tend to be quite black and white with our thinking. In other words, we are under a conditioning that all things bad = bad. And all things good = good. But it’s not always that simple. I’m sure that all of us can consider a time when/where something bad happened, but ultimately there was a beneficial result. When we live so binary, we exist in this weird binary world. Almost whee we’re no even human. We’re robots whoa re only looking for the good, and completely negating or rejecting the bad. We never get to the real depth that we are intended to as human beings. We never feel, evolve or grow.
Without experiencing negativity, one of two things happens. We are likely to never transmute any existing old, negative stagnant energy from our bodies, and we don’t really fulfill our intended purpose here. As fractaled human beings, it’s our intended job to become more “whole”. To ultimately ascend. To become better than we were before. To do… let’s just say for all intents and purposes… something new and something different. We cannot do or accomplish that if we are simply existing in a high vibrational state all of the time. There’s no… “point”. I’m not saying it’s the laws of the universe to have a point, I’m just saying… you should likely want to live as though there’s a point… particularly if you have consciousness.
There’s two different things going on with negative beings. Keep in mind that negative entities aren’t always personified. A negative entity is really just a negative energy, meaning it can simply be a negative thought, feeling or emotion. It’s essentially… karma which we just punt around to each other, until someone is evolved enough or energetically smart enough to release it. This helps essentially build our character, and makes us smarter and braver/stronger energetic beings. The better we are at transmuting energy, the better we are at doing anything and everything. The truest enlightened version fo consciousness is the belief of faith, hope and optimism in the toughest or most limiting experience of adversity. Creating something out of nothing. Doubling, multiplying our imagination and belief.
Negative conscious beings are perpetually looking for a couple of different things, based on their intention. THey’re either looking to sustain, they’re looking to transmute, or perhaps they’re just not looking at all. But regardless, whether it’s passive or not, there is overt or latent intention. These energies are typically in motion and want to be in their rightful “place”, meaning that they may go around causing disruption, chaos and trouble until they find it. Kind of like how troubled people are constantly egging others on. They don’t really know what they’re doing, but they want to do something. So in a way, these negative entities or energies are just looking for a home, and subliminally hoping that others can help guide/lead them, or find their way. It’s also a good explanation as to why healers are always attracting negative energies or entities. The answer here is for them not to take anything too seriously, and develop a thick skin.
Ok so how about in terms of the greater collective as a whole. These two things are not mutually exclusive. If there is a supposed god, or people come together acting as a god and they know and understand they need to evolve, why not put things in place to ensure this is the case. What better thing would there be than negative entities, which force people to change and evolve. I like to call these entities “sprites”, because they remind me of the pixies in Harry Potter. They are simply agents of chaos, but they are intended for a larger, greater purpose. There are things which I perceive to be as more so “evil” entities, although I use that word very specifically, as “evil” as a whole is quite misunderstood. These beings are more selfish agents of chaos. i do wonder if there’s not really a timeline of minimal evil to worse evil (as we really have no true understanding of the butterfly effect of our actions), but simply we should consider this timeline as most self serving to least self serving. It’s an interesting, new way to perceive negativity and evil. Evil is a really interesting topic I am going to go more into.
Despite us negating or feeling like there is no point, there always is a point. We can perceive it as evolution, as a struggle of good versus evil, or simply it just “is”. Maybe there’s no wrong way of looking at it, but I ask you this. Is there power and control in knowing and realizing that something is for a greater purpose? Is there intelligence in understanding all of the elements and aspects of something? Is there a sense of happiness, optimism and hope in knowing that there can be a positive outcome, and it may be for a greater good? At the risk of toxic positivity, my answer is yes. Knowing and understanding is power. Hope, faith and optimism is the inertia for change. And reflections of ourself are always in a growth and evolutionary mindset. Keep these things in mind moving forward.