350. The Odd Idea Of Surveillance On Our Lives


What would it be like if you could see yourself as an outsider? If you could survey your life without any biases? Often times we try to do this. We consider… look at things from a bird’s eye view. If a friend were going through a similar circumstance, what would be the advice that you would give them?

But what if we actually could survey our lives? The question is… are we doing this already? The biggest “surveyor” which is somewhat in real time is social media. This allows us to capture things outside of our own eyes. And at times, outside our own perception value. We can understand what this “looks like” from others, as we receive the comments and feedback of others. Although we certainly received comments and feedback from others before, not quite like now. There’s a sense of honesty and disruption which comes from the internet. Often times we are a bit more reserved when it comes to face to face. We are putting our lives up for review from others. And although not all of the commentary is honest, or even fair, we’re receiving praise. What does this do to those who have a fake persona online? Does it further exacerbate the dissonance between what’s real and what’s not?

There’s a lot of interesting aspects to seeing the world from another’s point of view. Often times it provides us with much needed clarity. When we get too in our own ego and in our own mind, the waters are muddied. The air is clouded. We can’t think, because we’re so overrun by fear. It can almost be impossible to take ourselves out of this position because we are so stubborn in what we think is the correct course of action. But admittedly, often times if we’re not seeking any feedback, especially from our higher selves, it can inevitably be the wrong course of action. The advice here would be to journal about what’s going on, meditate, and again, consider yourself a stranger. A random person. What would you think of their life? What would you do?

I want to go beyond the idea of the present and the future. What if we “record” the past? Now of course we do this all of the time with videos and photos, but what if it was something more? What if there was a way to “survey” our live sin the past. Our past experiences and trauma. Would we be able to see things from a different perspective? A clearer one. I’ll jump straight to the point. I find that one of the most successful ways to transmute negative traumas and experiences (so long as you’re up for it) is to replay and “relive” them. And here’s why. When you look at it from a fly on the wall, often times you will see the “larger point” or the learning lesson of the situation. Chances are, you will no longer victimize yourself. In some circumstances, you may even feel empathy toward the aggressor. But the truth is, no one can stop you and no one can control you. And no one can hurt you, so long as you don’t want to be hurt. But we never really think that at the time. We hold onto our scars and in fact, they may even stay as wounds. 

Surveillance perhaps in this context, is capture and replay. Almost as if you’re watching a movie. There are unlimited benefits to watch your “life in review”. After all, many people claim that before they pass on, they watch their own life in review. As a medium, I consistently talk to those on the other side who need to digest and reflect upon their life. There are so many energies that we work with, after all. Particularly with those who died unexpectedly.

When my intuition opened up, I not only felt scared but in some ways, violated. Spirits would constantly come up and talk to me, watch me and monitor me. But the truth is, in all of these instances, I gave them subconscious permission. I just didn’t really want to think of it that way. There’s this humungous fear that we’re being watched or surveilled. But I think the concept of unwanted surveillance stems back to fear. When others on the other side “watch” us, it’s out of love. And their densities and dimensions are different. So it’s not as though they are watching us in HD. When you take a step back and realize that we are all living beings with our own right, we are all inter-connected, and we also have the opportunity to be other places. When invited, I love to “travel” energetically. If I couldn’t, or wouldn’t be allowed, I would never learn. I would never experience. Energetic consent to “watch” or be with others is kind of like traveling to a new area. You don’t want to keep your borders closed, because it doesn’t help the collective evolve and grow. You don’t receive help, and you can’t help others.

I think the fear of surveillance is of course that of privacy. And from a higher level perspective, I agree. There’s a self-conscious aspect to being watched. You want time, space and opportunity to do your own thing. But fear and paranoia of someone infringing on yourself energetically, i soften times more of a fallacy than a reality. Like I said… we’re all spiritual beings. I think that people are often times very afraid of this because from an outsider’s perspective, they wouldn’t want to see what they’re doing themselves…


351. Time Is Not Your Enemy


349. My Process With Releasing Negative Energy