351. Time Is Not Your Enemy
Time is one of my favorite topics for so many reasons. Time can seem to control our lives, be the bane of our existence. But regardless of how you feel about time, it moves us forward. And we don’t even have to get into the concept of time itself, as I do believe that time is an illusion (mostly), and that it doesn’t exist on the other side. As a channeler, I come across many clients who have a warped relationships with time. Whether they think they have too much time (are bored), or they have way too little time. And there are usually pretty consistent answers or reasons as to why this is the case. Regardless of everyone’s unique perception and relationship with time, there’s some reasons as to why this is, and what you can do about it. It’s important that we have a positive relationship with time, as well… time isn’t going away any time soon!
Let’s first talk about the positive reasons for time. I think we’re all familiar with the phrase, “time heals all wounds”. While I believe this is partially true (there’s some asterisks here), it brings up a good point. Time allows energy to become closer and farther apart from us. We can “leave behind” things which are no longer serving us. I am sure that you feel like you are a different person now that much time has passed. It’s because you were! Although you were the same “person”, the energies which were involved in your life were quite different. energies are farther away from us or closer as we transition to the other side, or simply in other densities or dimensions, but the spacial experience and difference accounts for this, and not a linear experience of time. I find that this is why time exists in this realm. We don’t have different dimensions and densities. We live in a physical reality. Therefore, something needs to keep moving us forward. Time is therefore, a positive thing. It’s a life cycle. If we remain consistent and stagnant for too long, we essentially arrest our development.
If time is inherently positive, why would one have a warped relationship with it? While there are several nuances, we can hypothetically chalk time up to “the truth”. In short, if you have a warped or mixed relationship with physical reality, which could be truly divine masculine energy or the matrix, you may have a stressed relationship with time. It doesn’t exactly help that as a society, we have an incredible fear about getting older. I do wonder if some of this is experience and what we’ve seen or “been shown”. Let’s also consider the point of time. If you’re stressed or struggling to move forward, and feel that you want to remain stagnant and self-preserve, time is going to be your enemy.
I do truly believe that we should have precisely the exact amount of time. I generally find that people who have too little time have unnecessary ways they are expending their time. Perhaps they don’t seem unnecessary, but when in alignment with their intuition, it’s simply an old or now irrelevant way of doing things. Perhaps this means we need to “makeover” our life and start anew. This isn’t to say that things are always going to be perfect. We may ebb and flow with how much time that we have. But ideally, time simply just “is” and helps move us forward. Feel free to set the intention to have a better relationship with tie, as this will kickstart the gears, and likely address things you may not even be aware of, or things temporarily unseen.
Being in a battle with time will always be a losing battle, for yourself. You can choose to project your hate, fears and insecurities onto time, but time has been one of the most consistent parts of our universe. Since it’s always there, and so consistent, in some ways we can use it as a helpful tool. Maybe even as a crutch. It’s time to surrender the universe. And time to surrender to time. I do believe that our success and happiness depends on it. Don’t fault yourself, though. Time is tricky, it’s challenging, and it doesn’t waver, unlike us. It may feel that you need to “give up everything” in order to have a good relationship with it. But when something is as consistent as time, you’ll know that what you’re doing is worth it. It’s not like it’s going to change on a dime.