353. How To Intuitively Read Items


Ah, psychometry. My worst nemesis. As my intuition opened up, it was something that my groups and friends would practice a lot. For clarity, psychometry is essentially reading items. While I find myself to be quite tuned in to items, as I feel that our energies interact and mingle with them, I felt that I could never get it “right”. I could tell the story of an item or object, but it never quite resonated. Now that I’m more confident with my intuition, I find that many people don’t truly know the significance of the items and their history. They may also have a one dimensional interpretation or view on them. But the truth is, for so long as an item has been around, and this means the materials and elements its made up of, it holds these feelings. I find that sometimes I can tap into the person who made the item, as well. It does make you wonder… what’s the intention or the point of these emotions feelings or energies being held? How does an item discern? I think that perhaps a strong or repeated energy tends to “stick”, and then it releases itself when more energy comes along. Perhaps whatever the strongest energy is… may win. But it’s an interesting topic. I wonder if time and relevance comes into play. In other words, as time goes on, energy simply tends to “fall away as there becomes less of the source which was creating. And this new source is much more prominent. But it also begs the question… why does energy stay? I’m not entirely sure. Regardless, here’s a how-to in terms of reading any items, from the beginning.

  1. Go to whatever items or objects you’re attracted to: This may mean that these items have the most energy, or at least the most resonating energy. It’s likely that these items will be the easiest for you to read.

  2. Figure out what stands out the most: I often times do this visually, particularly with more intricate items. You can also do this with tarot cards. There can be more than one, but start with one thing.

  3. Use this element as a thread to uncover more: Information tends to flow through once you’ve started that energetic line. See what comes through for you personally. Do you have any particular feelings? See images? Hear things? Maybe a familiar memory comes up. As you’ve set this intention subconsciously, have trust and faith that even things which seem only relevant for you are actually a clue into what energies reside in this item.

  4. Remain open and have trust: Sometimes I need to “zone out” even more to pick up information. It can be challenging. Even irrelevant information may be truthful.

  5. Repeat and connect the dots: Keep going through the item. Discover more elements which resonate. Note that if there’s not enough visual cues for you to pick up on, you can simply sit in your energy and allow impressions to come to you. Connecting the dots is essentially putting together the different impressions and clues that you get. If you get five different impressions, what do they mean in combination with each other?

    Remember that psychometry is complex. It’s no surprise that mediums tend to use objects to trigger information. The energetic resonance of items can be intense. Although an item will never carry the same extent of energy that a conscious being has, they are these “anchors” which hold onto them. And they can hold on to energies from multiple people at once, making them somewhat of a historic element frozen in time. We can learn a lot about other people, as well as the past from inspecting objects. Perhaps ancient ones can be used by psychics and mediums to gather information and tell a story. It’s no wonder the items and objects in our home can affect us, and we may even feel effects from second hand things. I know that personally, I’ve received certain items from thrift shops which have very strong energy. I use this to my advantage, as I only choose to have items around me with positive energy. But you can of course accidentally do the opposite. Be sure to discern the items that you have around you. And feel free to practice psychometry. But be sure not to let any perceived failures get you down. After all, sometimes energies that you pick up have yet to “happen” or manifest physically. You may just be picking up on secrets only available to you.


354. How To Stop Repeating Patterns


352. Tap Into Past Life Energy