354. How To Stop Repeating Patterns
I don’t talk about cycling of behaviors as much as I used to, but I believe that’s simply because it’s become so commonplace for me. Or I’ve officially come full circle, no pun intended, with the learning lessons. So what exactly is “cycling of behaviors”, or in essence, repeating the same concepts and themes over and over again?
As I began to channel past lives, I discovered that there were quite similar themes that clients struggled with previously, as they are struggling with now. It seems that we keep incarnating to learn these lessons. I do truly. believe that in order to fully and truly learn a lesson, we must live out or experience every single physical manifestation of it. I find this to be evidence when there’s trauma or abuse cycles which run throughout families, in one lifetime. Keep in mind that it’s not just past lives. If someone is the victim of abuse, they have a higher likelihood of either perpetually being abused, or being an abuser themselves, despite what they’ve experienced. There’s no true logical explanation as to why someone abused would abuse other folks, as they likely experience deep pain and shame surrounding it. There has to be an energetic or metaphysical factor here. Something which is beyond their conscious comprehension or understanding.
So from an even higher level perspective, why would we need to experience and complete these themes? The best answer I can come up with is learning, education and evolution. As the world turns and the collective evolves, there’s a need for us to “keep up” and continue to expand, so to speak. If we want to be at a higher vibrational level or a heightened sense of awareness, we must be aware of anything and everything that’s going on. Where the collective has expanded itself. It’s somewhat… too late to turn back. We must know what others are going through in order to evolve. I do wonder if we’ve fractaled ourself into a hole we can barely get out of. Was the expansion of our consciousness a good thing… or a bad thing? Yes, we’ve expanded so much and so far that there’s a brilliance to it, but at what cost? We are still left to pick up our own pieces.
Regardless, we’re here now. So we must understand what’s going on, and figure out what to do with it. Consider that all of our fractaled parts create an infinity circle. Once we experience part of the infinity circle, we must complete all of the other parts of it. Keep in mind that wholeness, peace and nirvana is “completion”. But in order to do that, again, we must fulfill all of the obligations of the “circle”. Le’s go back to our example of abuse. If we are the victim of abuse, to learn a lesson, must we be an abuser ourselves? I think that the answer is complicated. Maybe it’s true, but it certainly doesn’t have to be in this lifetime. Keep in mind that if we have a strong enough level of empathy, or such a heightened level of awareness, we can likely forego painful learning lessons ourselves. Because we will have energetically learned that lesson by proxy. It’s somewhat of a “get out of jail free card”. Keep in mind however, that this is only a theory. But as a byproduct of this theory, those who are empathic in one lifetime, may live hundreds, if not thousands of lives of lessons, by simply using other people as proxys.
Here’s where things get interesting, and this is what corresponds to the title. There’s no rules to learning these lessons. Because you don’t have to learn them. But… if you choose not to acknowledge or accept the lesson, you will be going through multiple lives attempting to learn it/them. I read it in people, and myself, all the time. In a way, there’s a sadness around it. I see people living lives where they are in proactive avoidance, rejection and denial. I don’t feel there’s ever a waste to a life, because you can only go through so many circumstances until you’re quite literally forced into facing it, as you metaphorically become backed into a wall. But why would you want that? My best advice is to face your fears, confront what’s holding you back, and transmute this energy. You’ll thank yourself later. Setting an intention is a great place to start if you’re confused. Set the intention that you want these patterns to end. Keep in mind that this is hardly ever easy, as we sometimes incarnate into this life with our own past life or ancestry karma. In other words, we may not know there’s another way to live. The one benefit of having an intelligent and informed society is the mass rate of influence we have on each other. You may have never grown up knowing love, but when you watch a movie, you can intelligently perceive what love is. This is the seed that is planted within you, and it will be up to you if you choose to water it. Considering we are all part of one source consciousness, there’s nothing out of reach to you or from you. The life that you deserve is accessible and waiting for you, you are simply the one blocking it and in your own way.