356. When You Demand From The Universe


The idea of demand.. tricky, tricky. I think that there’s a bit of misconception which goes into demand. Being “demanding” can be seen as a positive from a manifestation point of view. We want to be assertive, we want to be straight to the point. To get things done. But I find that demand is quite a different things. I do feel that the inherent vibration of demand is quite different. Demand, as I channel it, is more about “desperation”. You’re in a fragile or maybe even egoic state. You NEED the universe to deliver for you, as you cannot do it yourself. Perhaps the language is semantics, but let’s dive into why demanding things from the universe is inherently a problem.

As we’ve discussed, the universe is here to help us and support us. But, it cannot be used as a replacement for our own effort, energy and free will. Consider the energetic need when you demand. You are likely completely vacant, or close to it, and you need a supplementation. However, this external part of you, has no energetic bearing within you. Look at it like this: We are always attracting through some type of law of attraction. In other words, what we receive is what we’ve already prepped and primed out energy to receive. We cannot sustain abundance, unless we are at an energetic vibration to do so. So when we demand something incredibly foreign from the universe, it’s not that the universe is spiteful, there are just others who properly “need” whatever you’re requesting. They’ve done the work, they’ve done the healing and learned the lessons. There’s no short-cuts in life. Well… there are. But they are short-lived.

It seems somewhat like a tease, or a sick joke. When you’re the most in need, the universe isn’t there for you. But it’s ultimately for your benefit. When you are so detached from what you’re about to receive, not only will it have no resonation within your energetic body/not align to you, it will likely pass over you quickly. You may notice this if you perform any type of manifesting or witchcraft to receive. You may get it, but you may not be able to keep it.

Ultimately, the more you demand, the more tension that you’ll have with the universe, and the more disconnected you will be, as you may turn to sadness, anger or isolation based on the incorrect or even lack of response.

It may seem overwhelming or perhaps “anti” the point to be incredibly responsible for your own self, when all the powers that be are against you. But the truth is, this “isolation” is somewhat limited to this point and place in time, and in a physical reality. We are truly tested in this lifetime, and things are quite different beyond, in different dimensions and on the other side. We just need to hold onto the faith, hope optimism and patience. As well as the intrinsic motivation to get ourselves out of any messes.

Keep in mind that demand isn’t always a full, functioning awareness or sentence. You can demand in fits of rage or frustration. Particularly if you use the words, “I need”, you may be in a period or state of demand. Before you do this, consider asking for help, instead. This puts you back in a position of power, and you can begin to give more direct orders to the other side, or those around you in the physical world. It’s strange how you can be so far away from source, and need so much, yet the closer that you are to this vision or execution, the more supposed luck you will receive. It’s a tricky system, but one to be acknowledged and accepted, because it’s truly the only way to move forward, at least with the fewest battle wounds.

To sum up this article, you do not want to demand from the universe. It will leave you frustrated, isolated, and still not getting what you want. You want to simply acknowledge, accept, ask for help, and do your best to proactively transmute energy. See post pinned to the top of the page for reference.

Remember that despite the odds, the universe is on your side. But simply propping you up when you can’t stand on your own two feet is neither helpful for you, or the universe. As the collective energetic conscious of the world, you are responsible for holding up your end of the bargain. If the conscious collective is over-giving to you, it disrupts balance and resources, even when you are desperately in need. There’s still a delicate operating system, regardless.

Continue to raise your vibration and intention set in order to avoid being in a situation where you need to demand from the universe. And be sure to continue to align to your intuition.


357. The Irony Of Superstitions


355. Powerful People Don’t Care If You Know The Secret