355. Powerful People Don’t Care If You Know The Secret
Let’s talk about it! I find that there’s an inherent level of paranoia when we talk about those who are in perceived “control”. Those who have money, those who have power, success, etc. But the fact of the matter is, they have something that many of us want. Whether it’s the finances, the success, etc. And they do have power in terms of power of persuasion. I think there’s also power in living your life in the way that you see fit, in the face of any adversities. Regardless of their contributions to society, in some way shape or form, they are a role model, even if it’s just hypothetical.
There’s certainly a lot of fallacies when it comes to power, as some people consider power to be control. However, that is warped power. Power is power of self, and empowering others. We know that not al powerful people use their power in this way, but that’s a separate issue.
The second part of this conversation is fallacy of finite abundance. Typically these same people use control as a way to create subordinates. To lift themselves up, whether it’s because they have low self-esteem, or again, they subscribe to fallacy of finite abundance. Fallacy of finite abundance essentially means that there is a limited supply of energy to go around. So if one person gains more success, you theoretically, lose it. Even if you both aren’t at all related. Not only is this inaccurate, but the philosophy is dangerous, as it breeds fear and control.
It’s hard to know what comes first: Those manipulating others for control, or the societal conditioning telling those with less control that they cannot have power, over themselves or others. But needless to say, it’s a sadistic cycle. Any time we have the perceived notion that only a certain amount of people in the world can have power and others cannot, we are simply feeding into this fallacy.
The elements of success are simple, but not widely known. We churn out a weird, almost BS line-list response to success. wake up every day at 6am, eat blueberries, do yoga. All of this is circumventing the true point. Those who use this as the “answer” for success have never been in the trenches, I can tell you that. They’re only commodifying their behaviors, because it’s convenient. But they either haven’t had to access the depths of their spirituality in this lifetime, or perhaps it was simply too lost in the past for them to remember it. Maybe they’re just a fraud in general and want to have you be a repeat customer. There could be lots of answers. I have a couple problems with the self-help industry in general, if you haven’t noticed.
Moving on, let’s get back to those with perceived power and control. We, as a society can understand that there are levels to this, and we are certainly aware of, or seemingly aware of who has the most. Often times we equate this with money. I’m not totally interested in deep diving into money in this particular post, but for all intents and purposes, this is somewhat validated, at least through the collective’s current perception value. Point being is that we are aware of who is pulling the strings, so to speak.
There’s this conspiracy narrative that powerful people are holding the secrets to life’s mysteries in terms of success. Maybe they’ve got the hidden formula, maybe they’re witches. Who knows. Like I said, all of this is quantifiable. And furthermore, these powerful people don’t care if you know what the secrets to success are, because even if they do subscribe to fallacies of finite abundance, the know that you probably won’t do it anyway. Yes, I said it. And I don’t want to believe it’s true, but here’s the truth. We are all spiritual beings, and we all have access to the truth. But a lot of times, we don’t want to face it. We don’t want to relive pain, we don’t want to blow up our lives for a better one, we don’t want to face our fears, do things uncomfortable, take risks, etc. We just don’t want to do it, and we won’t do it. Even if I told you the exact formula for success, you likely wouldn’t. Why? Because we’re imperfect creatures, and we continue to learn. In your next life, you may have built up all the ammunition and learning lessons/experiences to be the powerful one. Maybe it will take a couple more tries. But evolution can’t turn on a dime, unless of course there’s some rapid internal or external force which is making us face ourselves, or a harsh reality. I’m not sure what would cause this to happen, but I do think that perhaps a contraction period fo densities and dimensions may make the veil thin enough that we can “see” more things than we ever thought possible in this matrixed reality.
Nevertheless, we are what we are, until we change it. There’s no conspiracy. There’s always just truth. And that truth is you have just as much manifestation ability as the most powerful person on earth. They just have happened to take action, aligned to their intuition. They’ve called in help. They’ve pushed themselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually to the limit. Can you say that you’ve done the same?
There’s a safety net in being under a society in which you’re controlled. You don’t have to take self-responsibility. Powerful people know that. And they often times, will use that to their advantage. Don’t believe me? Tune into a political agenda once in your life, and report back to me.
If you don’t want to be a pawn in the game of powerful people, consider your options to become the best person you can possibly be. Be better than you ever thought you could be. I’m not saying that it’s easy, but for your own soul and spirit’s sake, as well as the entire collective (as you are eternally tied to others, and your successes lift up other people), it’s worth it.