359. Don’t Be Afraid To Be Extremely Unique


This is one of my favorite topics. And yes, it may partially be because I do find that I am unique. And yes, call me a pick me all you want, but it’s hard out here for intuitive ladies, you know what I mean? I struggle to find many people with the same perception value as me. And it can be a tad lonely.

I’m not sure what my entry way into this topic was, but as I continued to study fractals and breakdowns, I made somewhat of a connection. On one hand I studied people who’s energies were very “common” so to speak. And they had a lot of advantages. They were persuasive, they had a lot of connections, they were great at people-pleasing, but in a good way, if that makes sense. So naturally, we must talk about those who have a “rarer” energetic signature, or perhaps just a more unique one. More specific. What are their strengths?

Before we get into this, I do want to acknowledge societal conditioning and the want or need to be popular. There are a lot of challenges one will face in this lifetime, and especially when you’re a kid, being like the rest will gain you points in popularity. To be honest, I not only experienced it myself, but I reaped the rewards. It’s sometimes hard to be different, and happy. So I don’t really judge people who struggle with this, or don’t want to be different. Thankfully, particularly with social media, we realize how un-different we are sometimes. It’s much easier to find someone with an internet connection with your interests, rather than living in a small town with limited access. This is certainly a positive of the world wide web. It does make you wonder how much societal conditioning has impacted your way and ability to be unique, and be yourself. If you never went through any amount of peer pressure at any point in your life, what would you be like? I do feel that as we age, it’s simply a descent into more of our authenticity, which is certainly a good thing.

So let’s get back to strengths. What is a strength of being super unique or perhaps being super involved in a niche subject or area? The first and main one is energetic depth. So if we consider that those who are similar to others share lots of different “surface level” energetic threads, as these are popular or common, those with niche interests reach the core of the inception, creation and execution of whatever these subjects are. They are not a jack of all trades, they are a master of one. And it’s certainly different to be a jack and a master, no? So you are reaching this level of energetic depth, which is inherently quite metaphysical and spiritual, right? You’re accessing a part of the collective that not many people are. There’s a level of intelligence, mastery, knowledge, connection and more within different energies and subjects, that again, the collective is not used to. And depth can be bad if you get too lost in it, but for the most part it’s good, particularly if it’s aligned with your life purpose and your passions, because the likelihood is that you’re really wrapping up whatever it is that you’re intended on learning. I am curious about those on the autism spectrum and their niche interests and subjects and how it corresponds to spirituality, as through my channeling I’ve discovered that those on the spectrum are highly sensitive and intuitive.

Moving on. Many trailblazers, inventors, and those who modify and shape the world have niche interests, because again, they are masters. In some way, you could hypothesize that those who are unique are expanders of the universe, and those who are less so, are more in a state of contraction. Neither is bad nor good, but for people being in charge of evolving the collective so to speak, they should probably get a bit more credit than those who are more in a state of retention and self preservation. In some way shape or form, I hypothesize that these people are not as well-liked because of their expansion efforts. If you are a person that struggles with proactive avoidance or fear, you do not want to evolve. When people make fun of others’ interests, as weird and odd as they may be, consider that anything and everything on earth, no matter how bizarre or irrelevant it may seem, is actually a piece of a fractal of source. In other words it’s a loop of a loop of a loop of source. So if you trace it back to its origin point, it was once, i some way shape or form, a part of a whole of the inception of existence, or the retention fo existence. No matter what you are interested in, it has value and shape and form, and it represents something important relative to the rest of the collective’s, or rather, the universe’s energy.

But here’s the best, and fun part. So one may assume that it may be challenging to find like-minded souls when you are more unique, and that is incredibly true. But here’s what’s more fun. Since you are a dichotomy fractal in this lifetime, meaning that the other energies which make you whole are somewhere floating in the universe, ideally here on earth, you have the opportunity and availability to meet someone or people in general who are just as weird as you. So rather than having a very similar energetic resonance to much of the collective, where it’s easier to find people who are similar to you, you will reach an unlimited level and strength of depth with only a few close people. And to be honest… I think that’s much cooler. So don’t be afraid! Maybe the general collective isn’t always on your side, but you certainly have a job to do in this lifetime. Keep pushing the collective forward.


360. Cycling Behaviors From Past Lives


358. Your Weaknesses Are Probably A Strength