360. Cycling Behaviors From Past Lives
I’ve already talked about past lives and cycling behaviors, so I wanted to wrap up both topics in their own, special marriage. Hopefully this will be quite a short post.
To recap, I feel that we’ve lived hundreds of thousands of lives in different dimensions. The intention here is to learn, have experiences and evolve. The more fractaled we are as pieces or parts of a larger energetic collective, the more options we will have to do so. Essentially, the more that exists, the more opportunity we have to exist in every single imaginable outcome, if that makes sense. Through our different lives, we complete learning lessons, and we also tend to cycle through similar themes. Reason being is that we need to complete all possible executions and aspects of these themes in order to learn the lesson. The example that i previously used was the concept of abuse. Often times abuse victims become abusers, and although this is a specific example which is not always the case, it shows how you need to “live out” all elements and aspects of a theme throughout multiple lives in order to again, learn this lesson. We tend to stray away from any negative things we may have done in past lives, but through fractal theory, or in other words, whatever part of a whole that you’re executing (say it’s positive), there must be a negative counterpart. Everything exists everywhere, all at once. Once we come to terms with our imperfectness as people, and can accept that we are flawed, and perhaps even have a propensity for evil, we will become more healed, evolved and empathetic beings.
So we can theoretically assume that we tend to cycle through different lives to learn these lessons. This is also the case when we are refusing to acknowledge or accept these learning lessons. If we can’t learn it in one life, we are damned to learn it in another life. This is why I strongly recommend people look into past lives as a whole, as well as address whatever concepts and themes they are intended to work through in their lifetime. Which is a great segue into your guide to “Not repeating past life behaviors in this life”, or perhaps “Stopping ancestry karma”, or even better, “Not making this lifetime a humungous waste of time”, maybe even “Being a better person, just even in the slightest bit”.
Acknowledge and accept fault, negativity, evil and wrongdoing: Here’s the start. You’ve done some terrible things in past lives. Don’t be afraid of it, don’t shy away from it. Proactive denial breeds evil.
Start getting on board with spirituality and the concept of past lives: You don’t necessarily need to believe in past lives to proactively do the work of stopping negativity from them, and if you don’t and you’e made it this far, holla! You’re doing amazing, sweetie. But anyway, it will be easier if you educate yourself more, inform yourself more, and become more comfortable with them as a whole. To acknowledge that you are a spiritual being is to acknowledge that your consciousness s infinite. This can be challenging for those who intend on not existing beyond their death.
Deduce your life purpose: I have separate posts which go into this more, but essentially. you’re going to want to start taking note of patterns in your life, as well as your goals and objectives. Simply ask yourself, what do I want to achieve in this lifetime, if I am a fly on the wall looking into my own life. And what do I want to offer up to the collective. What do I want to give back. Piggybacking off of this is becoming very aware of yourself from an outsider’s perspective. This may take some time and practice if you’re new to it. Get readings, meditate, do yoga, etc. Bring yourself into or back to a spiritual state.
Deduce your overarching concepts and themes: This is more specific compared to your life purpose. Consider that concepts and themes are relatively similar to the ones you find in literary discussions. Examples can be healing, communication, service, knowledge, expansion, development, etc. What are things that you attract, or are attracted to? They shouldn’t be so broad that you can’t think of tangible elements to them, but you want to make sure they’re not so specific that they’re not locking in a specific person, place or thing.
Set an intention to kickstart this process: People tend to run from eh truth. Furthermore, they can do everything “surface level” to attempt to dig deeper into the point, but a lot of times, they have a wall of fear. By simply setting the intention that you want to explore this process, become more informative and self-aware, and lastly, learn your lessons and stop cycling through negativity in your past present and future lives, you’ll be golden.
Regress yourself: There are ways to do this relatively easily. There are options of meditations on YouTube, if you just keyword search it. You can also see a past life regressionist. If you’re new to regressing yourself, buckle up. You may see some things which will shock you, make you burst into tears, make you feel depths of emotions you couldn’t initially comprehend in this lifetime. Regressing isn’t really supposed to be a fun experience, it’s supposed to be a life-changing experience. Know what you’re getting yourself into, and set an intention. For the sake of this particular post, set the intention that you want to see past lives where you either succeeded at the same concepts and themes you’re dealing with in this lifetime, or failed. Both will likely be helpful. Perhaps the failures more so.
Connect the dots: After regressing yourself a handful of times, deduce the patterns. What is coming up over and over again. Particularly lean into the failures. The more you’ve failed at something, the more likely it is that you’re intended to become better at it, or succeed at it. Take the hint. Speaking of…
Take the hint: After an awakening, it’s unusual to not have a profound experience, but the truth is, as time goes on, life gets in the way. Focus in on this by integrating actionable items to work through or on these concepts and themes in daily life.