362. Do We Actually Want To Be Happy?
Without dumping too much, this has been an interesting topic that I’ve observed not necessarily with myself (although admittedly… a little), but more so with other people. I’ve also noticed it as a trending discussion online.
It’s something that we never really ask ourselves, but it begs the question as to why? If even a small portion of the collective isn’t happy, there must be some kind of a reason. And despite the usual suspects of a response, I do truly believe that you can be happy in practically any circumstances, regardless of situations, circumstances, and even finances. And regardless of that, we typically live long enough to have enough time, space and energy to improve. So why do so many of us fail at this, or remain consistently stagnant/the same?
I think the first part of this discussion is having the awareness that your conscious self and your subconscious self are two different elements/aspects of your energetic body. Your conscious self is what’s alive and well when you’re awake. Typically it’s a bit more practical and pragmatic. It’s what “sees” and hears everything. It can be hard to trick our conscious self, as it’s rooted firmly in our physical reality.
On the other hand we have our subconscious self, which is… a lot. We could hypothetically say this is our soul and our spirit, but it’s really what lives in the shadows. I suppose conscious self is the sun, and subconscious self is the moon. And we all know there’s a dark side of the moon. It is some of our truest thoughts, feelings and emotions. And in my opinion, it’s the driving force behind a lot of our desires. It’s likely where our intuition lives, and is stored. We’re typically not aware of our subconscious, but may be in pivotal or extreme moments in our life. When push comes to shove, what do we really want?
It’s not uncommon for both of these sides of ourselves to have two varying opinions. We live in a physical world, after all. If we don’t feel empowered to achieve our truest dreams and desires, our conscious self is in the driver’s seat. And if we are struggling with physical life and reality, then our subconscious self may be too much in the way. It can be very challenging to marry these two parts, and I suspect it’s likely our purpose in this lifetime to differentiate, discern and bring together both of them. Regardless, I find that this is the first blocking point or stopping point for us moving forward. Perhaps our conscious self wants to be happy, but our subconscious self doesn’t. And it can also be vice-versa.
So we first have a disconnect between the two, and we can imagine that both of these parts need to be aligned and on board to start the process. Consider it to be like gears operating a machine. But what stops us next?
Keep in mind that also… just because we want something, does not mean we are on our way to achieving it. We need to seriously intention set and manifest happiness, otherwise it’s just simply a floating idea. When we put intention and energy behind something, then we start to see results. So the way that you interact with these ideas, concepts and wants is incredibly important.
Not sure how to put.a term to this, but it’s similar to laws of by proxy energy, maybe even law of attraction. It essentially is that anything and everything in our lives is inter-connected. If one area of your life is suffering or struggling, it could have been triggered by an entirely different part. So long as it’s related to you, and in some way shape or form it ladders up to a consistent concept or theme, it’s connected. Even if it doesn’t seem so… realistically, we’re all connected. It’s in some way shape or form… connected. So what is the importance or relevance of this? I’ll tell you in one second, because I forgot one major thing which is…
We have this perception that happiness is a state of mind which is mutually exclusive from our physical reality. Btu it’s not. Anyone who is not in an ideal physical state or reality can tell you that. What does this inevitably mean? There needs to be changes to our physical reality in order to achieve said happiness. It’s incredibly unlikely that we will just simply wake up and be happy. Now you’re probably thinking… well, why can’t we? If happiness is simply a feeling, perception value or emotion, why can’t it be singular? Other things are singular? Because we’re interacting daily with our physical reality, it’s just not realistic. If we were in a different density, dimension or set of circumstances… maybe. But it’s just too prominent to ignore. Here’s the other thing. when we are living a dysfunctional physical reality, often times it means that we are not living in alignment with our highest vibration and truest purpose. And in order to be happy, which I still feel is a holistic philosophy, again, your physical reality needs to change. And that’s simply because it likely was never right in the first place. Not because you’re doing something “wrong”.
This leads us to our next challenge which is the avoidance and fear of changing our lives, despite our desire to want to. And again, our conscious self and subconscious self can be acting this out in many different ways. If you are incredibly unhappy, your physical reality is gonna have to get a whole lot different. And the larger the risk and the change, the harder it is to even approach, nevertheless work through. Despite, in my opinion, starting being the hardest part. As this is often times the “surrender” period, which really goes against our preconceived notions and even biological hardwiring to live and self-preserve. It’s… very hard. Often times you need to hit “rock bottom” before building yourself back up, depending on your life, path and course of action.
So let’s get back to by proxy energy. Why is this relevant? Well, happiness is a very high overarching concept and theme. It’s essentially joy and high vibration. And what does this mean? It means it encompasses everything. It encompasses the acknowledgment and acceptance of our shadow, it encompasses our soul/spirit, our past, present and future, our family, our friends and more. You may be changing and shifting things you didn’t even know could be shifted. Your identity, your personality, your ego, your hobbies, interests, partner, location, so on and so forth. It’s… a lot. And you never know what it will touch or how deeply it will touch unless you start this process. It can knock you on your ass. And not a lot of people are prepared for that. Particularly if they’ve been in proactive denial or avoidance for so long.
To sum up… people want to be happy, generally. But people often times don’t have the true desire, alignment or intention to do so. Proactively work on these concepts, themes and tips to improve your likelihood of being… happy. At the end of the day, no one can tell you truly how to be happy or what it will take to be happy, as it’s incredibly relative. Perhaps determining what it is is… a good place to start. And if you don’t know that, well… you’ve got a ways to go, but you can certainly set the intention to find out, as well.