363. It’s Normal To Be Affected By Negative Entities


There’s this inherent fear in our society, which I’m sure is exacerbated by TV and movies. We are to be not just afraid of the unknown, but particularly afraid of menacing ghosts and spirits, particularly ones that we call “demons”. Although we are quick to classify anything that we don’t like as a “demon”, we don’t really have a true or even functioning understanding of what they are, why they’re here and what they’re doing. Perhaps we may never truly know.

In terms of “negative energy”, I find that this is somewhat of a relative term. Is anything which is out of alignment with us negative? Is there a scale of positivity and negativity? And where would negativity even begin? Halfway? There are lots of philosophical questions. I find that the best answer for our purposes is to acknowledge that entities which are proactively working from a place of disconnection and/or fear are likely “negative” in some way shape or form. If we believe that our bodies are an amalgamation of parts, we can understand that despite us being “god-like” creatures, or that of an open/clear channel, we can certainly accumulate negative energies. The best way to describe this is trauma through memories and experiences. It’s not happening to us currently, but by some weird way, it’s directly or indirectly affecting us.

Then we must examine the relationship between negative entities, positive entities, and humans. It’s a little bit more challenging than you may think, as we must determine a base level of logic. Do all energies interact with each other, or do only ones which are somewhat similar do? One could argue that we only interact with energies related to us in this particular dimension or density, but that would negative any and all channeled information. It’s somewhat complicated. We can, however, use this logic loosely, as the universe is so entirely expansive, we’re typically only clued in with what’s going on which is relevant or “similar” to us.

So what is the point of negative entities, and why do they interact with us? I do feel like there are infinite answers to this question. If we assume that an entity is somewhat human-like-ish, perhaps these entities once shared past, present or future lives with us, in some way shape or form. After all, there needs to be some level of connection. Perhaps they are less evolved or more evolved energies. We never really position us as an earth to be morally reprehensible, but relative to the entire universe, we may simply have no idea. Beyond the “how” we connect, we must ask ourselves “why” we connect. What is the point?

Since we are somewhat similar energetically, one could theorize that there is some level of karma between us. Perhaps a negative energy which is around you is someone that you wronged in a past life. This is more of an “obvious” and relevant solution, but again, there are forces of the universe and reasons of being which are out of our human comprehension.

So the question is, what do negative entities want with us in this lifetime? I’ve only encountered a handful of negative entities, which I may classify for the collective’s understanding as “demons”, because they don’t feel human-like. Without going into much channeling, I’m somewhat unsure of why more. powerful negative entities are less human-like. Perhaps it’s simply to scare the collective. Or they are gaining strength and power from multiple types of species. But I’m not entirely sure.

In both of these instances, it was the “job” of the entity to scare the person into submission. We kind of assume based on media that demons are willing and wanting to make themselves known. But I find that not to be the case. If you have a “devil” on your shoulder which is wanting to direct you into doing things, it would be wise to influence your thoughts on a subconscious level, versus an overt one. Although there is a scare and fear factor in being overt, the ignorance you have when it’s more of a subconscious push it particularly helpful for entities looking to gain control. After all, “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist”.

One may ask what would be the benefit of negative entities carrying out our will? Particularly if entities live in a different dimension? As mentioned, we are all inter-connected, and our energetic bodies and therefore our power spans physical worlds. We know this, as we are strongly connected to the other side, including our higher self. So when we unintentionally act our a negative entity’s will, we are in a way, helping them gain power and control. We may not be totally aware of how or why, but perhaps it’s even just a power trip. If there’s “business” that a negative entity has, they only have so much power to conduct it from the other side, if it’s relevant to life here on earth. It’s much easier if they can get someone or something else to do it. This may sound a little bit bizarre and fear-mongery, but I’ve observed it myself. And it’s not something I’m afraid of, only aware of. If it’s helpful, let’s position it like this: Negative entities aren’t just ghosts or demons. Negative entities are amalgamations of negative energy. In other word, negative loops, patterns and thoughts are theoretically negative energies, or entities. An entity is theoretically just a heightened state of consciousness. If you have a fear loop which is guiding you to do things out of alignment with you, you are theoretically your own negative entity. It’s kind of a bizarre concept, but it’s true and real.

Since there’s not a lot of laws or rules in terms of who or what communicates to us subconsciously or consciously (so long as we give subconscious consent), the opportunities for entity interaction(s) with humans are endless. Particularly when we open up the concept of entities to be a lot more common than we think. As a result, the fear of negative entities should theoretically be squashed. We are interacting with negativity all the time, so who cares if it’s personified/ While it’s true that there’s certainly a heightened level of power and control, it’s just a bigger, larger form of what we’ve already been working with and working through.

If we take a larger, larger look at the whole “point” of the universe, it’s simply to continue to evolve. If we do not have negative entities, energies or experiences triggering us, we may arrest our development. Negativity can be used for good, and perhaps whether it’s intentional or not, what negative energies and entities are doing. The only suffering or shame here is not doing anything about it.


364. Leverage Divine Feminine Industries To Eliminate The Patriarchy


362. Do We Actually Want To Be Happy?