379. Why Are We Obsessed With Dichotomy?


For a moment, I tried to remember what my line of thinking was to talk about this topic. After all… who really talks about dichotomy? But I think therein lies the entire intention/problem with this statement.

So what is dichotomy? I suppose it can mean a lot of different things. It’s essentially “opposites”, but those opposites tend to create a whole. If we consider that anything and everything in existence has to come from some kind of a source… we realize that everything and anything can be chalked up to “two”, or dichotomy. Some popular examples of dichotomy would be divine masculine/divine feminine, love and fear, past/future, black/white, physical/mental, and so on and so forth. While you may look at something or anything and think to yourself… this falls into one of two categories, one of the easiest ways to determine this categorization is through the lens of our current perception value which is either matrix or consciousness.

So we can hypothetically assume that anything physical which will not follow us until after we die is matrixed reality/one side of dichotomy, anything and everything which can and will is the other side of dichotomy. This would likely be anything mental/emotional. Dreams, ideas and generally creativity, although the execution fo said creativity would likely be physical.

As we go through life, there are lots of parts of our reality which are dichotomy-oriented, one main one being politics. In the United States, we are typically in either Republican or Democratic values. Anything which has a “yes or no” tied to it would theoretically be dichotomy. Almost any and every legislation has a dichotomy approach, as well as a dichotomy solution. This becomes really challenging when it comes to passing legislation, as often times people are on one side of the spectrum or not. I find that Republicans and Democrats follow values of contraction and expansion, most of the time. We need both in order to evolve our collective. But at times, we come to a locking of arms, and nothing gets done. This is often times a chief complaint of our political system. 

I don’t know if it’s necessarily a bad thing that we have these discussions, arguments or even arrested developments. In some ways, we do not want our collective to evolve too quickly, and we want to ensure that we’re taking the best steps forward. But my main issue is that we tend to see the same arguments time and time again, just in slightly different forms or different physical manifestations. As we know, history tends to repeat itself. This is why I find that metaphysics integration is one of the most important things that we can learn. We can understand the “why” in terms of our plights, struggles behaviors and so on. What are we struggling with as a collective that we’re ultimately projecting onto the rest of ourselves? I truly believe we can save ourselves, others and the entirety of the human race, if not anything and everything that we interact with here on earth if we can truly understand the root cause or concept and theme of our struggles.

So we haven’t totally circled back to the point yet. Why are we so obsessed with dichotomy? I think that part of this is the fact that we are inherently fractaled beings here on earth. We are typically leaning more into divine feminine or divine masculine at any given time, despite our gender. And this is rippled out through the rest of the collective/the world. So we have a natural inclination to embody our own energies. And since we are imperfect beings doing our best trying to understand the world around us and develop our identity and ego, it’s also no surprise that are very silo’d in our own beliefs. After all, we need to look out for our own selves at the end of the day.

When we exist in a black and white kind of world, things are a bit more logical, they make sense. Having a point of view like this is particularly helpful when we’re not emotionally available enough to handle the true pressures and stresses of the entire world. Divine into the depths of pain, discomfort or any other type of heightened emotion is intense. After all, we can only handle so much. To think we could be empathing or responsible for anyone else’s emotions is a lot. Although I will say that we don’t have to take on the pain and emotions of others to empathize, we can simply transmute it. Regardless, we’re not so good at this process or philosophy.

Another issue that we have here is being way too wrapped up in contraction or divine masculine identities or energies. Since this primarily deals with the matrix and the physical world, we tend to neglect our mental state and emotions, and all that comes with it. This can force us into a place which is only accepting or allowing what we can see at face value, and not much of what is under the surface. But this of course, is particularly important not just for our understanding and evolution, but for our connection as well.

The antidote for this problem is leaning more into our divine feminine selves, and more into our mental state and emotions. We do not want to neglect our divine masculine aspects, we simply want to ensure that we aren’t in a warped relationship with it. Be sure to help yourself and raise your vibration, as well as work on what needs to be worked on in order to hold space for others and “allow” for more than just dichotomy. Be in a world of grey!


380. More Female Philosophers


378. What You’re Not Doing Regarding Life Purpose Alignment