378. What You’re Not Doing Regarding Life Purpose Alignment


Aligning to your life purpose is no joke. And to be honest… it spans your entire life, hence “life purpose”. I’ve talked quite a bit about what you do need to be doing to align to your life purpose, but what are the things which we inherently struggle with? That we overlook? That are totally unexpected? To round out your shot at truly aligning to your life purpose, check out the below. With all of this said… know that you’ll get there, eventually. Particularly without any articles. But if you’re really struggling, or if you have an intuitive disposition to learn more about life purpose, it’s likely that you need to double down on the topic. You’ll want to do your best to avoid any extra confusion, as you don’t want that extra stress and anxiety in your life, particularly about such a blessed topic.

No intention setting: You’ve heard it before, folks. I’m all about the affirmations and intention setting. With life purpose, you’ll want to start with the intention to align to your life purpose. Feel free to try out a bunch of different options which are less or more specific, daily. This way you’ll span the gamut. Be patient with what you feel like is working. What feels right? Sometimes it’s a process of trial and error. But let’s talk about why all this is the case. I don’t just say this to hear my self talk… affirmations and intention setting. And there’s more to the story here. When you aren’t directly addressing a topic, you tend to be overcome with a sense of fear. Proactive avoidance in general. When you’re afraid of the future, success/failure, you tend to circle the point. But this overall can be quite unhelpful.

Not taking advantage of your stagnancy period: If there’s one thing that puts people in a mental bind, it’s a stagnancy period. People hate it. And I get it… you’re supposed to be on your way to the top/success. But you’re totally overcome with confusion or feelings of exhaustion, and stuck in a trial and error period when you don’t want to be. The truth is… you’re likely here for a reason. I think that’s what a lot of people don’t realize. They blame it on their own laziness. But this “relaxation” period is a chance to get to know yourself, as well as your future options and opportunities. If you force yourself to ignore your stagnancy period, you won’t be using it to your advantage. You won’t be exploring these opportunities, or narrowing in to what you like or don’t like. And you’ll be wasting time needlessly. Work through this period of indecisiveness and stagnation by exploring anything, even if you think it might not work. By doing, you’re helping. yourself out in the long run. Remember that when you do, you allow the universe to intercept your plans. If you don’t put yourself out there, however, it’s much harder to. And you’ll overall stagnate your growth.

Lack of honesty, truth and alignment in regards to what you should be doing: Well, the title is pretty clear! Many people are fixed and focused on what the collective is doing, peer pressure or preconceived notions and expectations. As a result, they lack depth to their own intuition and emotions, and they’re quite lost. Stop focusing on what’s going to make you a great career, or what you see other people doing which is bringing them success. You are your own person. And chances are… if you were supposed to be doing precisely that already, you would have already done it. Give yourself some credit. But at the same time, focus on receiving the “truth”. Perhaps your subconscious self and conscious self are on two separate pages. This is where intuition alignment comes in. Be honest with yourself and what you truly want. Maybe it’s a career which isn’t so lucrative. Maybe it’s something which you’ll have to “start over” doing. The truth is… you’ll likely always feel this way. So you can defer it for years to come, or you can start re-writing your journey now, and stop wasting time. Coupling this with your trial and error period will ensure that you won’t make any misaligned “mistakes” in the future.

Lack of focus: Be sure you’re not using the internet, social media, doing things for others or any other form of excuses to avoid putting in the work or really addressing any problems in general. In this day in age, it’s os easy to distract ourselves from the point. I do feel strongly that procrastination is not laziness inherently, it’s to avoid doing what we truly need to be doing. A lot of times this is coupled with feelings of discomfort, or maybe even pain. But like I said… these are things which don’t go away, so it’s better to address them sooner rather than later. You can do it! This is also a gentle reminder that especially technology distractions can really warp your perception value. You’ll get even further tied into preconceived notions and the thoughts, feelings and emotions of others.

Lack of intention and care in general: If your spirit is in dissent and it’s completely and totally annihilated by your previous experiences, this lack of hope and faith in the future is going to dampen your motivations overall. This is of course what we would likely couple with depression, whether it’s high functioning or more severe. This is really the “end” of a lot of different problems. I do feel that if you are depressed, there’s likely multiple different elements which are fusing together, and working to attempt to bring you down. But consider that depression and a sense of rock bottom is the universe telling you that you need to get it together, or else at another point in life, when it’s too late,  you’re going to be really unhappy and upset. Take a cue from the universe. It’s not always easy to get out of, but start with affirmations and intention setting. It will get easier from there. Particularly when you start to work your way up and out, you can use this new found energy and inertia to help you. I think that people somewhat assume that going so hard into a particular path and working so hard losing yourself i the process is a means to success. If you don’t feel a connection to what you’re doing, you will without a doubt lose yourself in the process. It’s the perfect plot for severe disassociation, and potentially the sprout of mental illness.

Keep in mind that all of these items tallied together is the “emergency” advice for those really going through it with life purpose. Double down on these concepts to kickstart your process and journey of healing and re-alignment. If you already feel somewhat comfortable in your life purpose, just keep all of these notes in mind moving forward, and be sure to refer to them if at any point you’re feeling out of alignment, coupled with other life purpose advice. Good luck!


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