389. How To Be Well-Liked
There’s a lot of different levels to being liked. You can be liked as a person, as a friend, as a family member, a romantic partner. Maybe even a celebrity. And I would argue that each and every one of these roles has their own qualifications as to what it means to be well liked. However, these are constraints to these roles. I’m wondering, as a person, from the most authentic parts of ourselves as human beings, what makes other human beings likable?
I guess we should start with the most obvious qualification of them all: You need to like yourself. We know metaphysically that everything starts form within. Without a doubt, if you don’t like yourself, others won’t either. It’s just the vibes you’ll be putting out…
I think that perhaps people may get this confused with being persuasive. There are several charismas and charms that I can talk about which are short-term or short-lived. I don’t find it quite interesting to be liked in the short-term. That to me is not inherently inauthentic, but only inauthentic relative or in comparison to the type of likability I’m talking about. True human likeness, compatibility, trust, appreciation and love.
Sometimes I think about the soul level or even physical compatibility love that we have for each other, which spans beyond positivity. When we love each other, we also love each other for our faults, not just the good things. At the end of the day, there is of course someone who will like you for you. It’s just about finding that person.
Before I start this list, be warned. This isn’t something which you can achieve overnight. Short term solutions typically breed shot-term success. You’ll need to put the work in.
Like yourself first: This is a redundant sentiment from above, but putting it in this list, since it’s of course one of the qualifications.
Leverage your strengths: As we go throughout life, the whole purpose of us being around each other in a conscious collective is to provide others with our strengths, and allow others to help us when/where we have weaknesses. If we aren’t aware of what we can offer ourselves and others, we’re not really accessing this process as well as we can, if at all. Knowing what you can do and provide for others is important.
Focus on an equal energetic exchange: This is piggybacking off of the bullet point before this, but all successful relationships, even if they are just acquaintanceships, have this equal energetic balance back and forth. If you’re giving too little, we can imagine how that would be a problem for the other person. Adversely, if you’re giving too much, you’re somewhat stifling this person from having their own autonomy and control, which long-term, is not a favorable situation for them. I guess you can guess what comes next… seek out partnerships aligned to this philosophy, and remove partnerships which aren’t.
Be inspirational: There’s a reason why influencers and celebrities are at the forefront of society. Not just because they’re well-liked, but they are “go-to’s” for inspiring the collective. You don’t have to be a social media influencer, but if you’re doing something which captures other people’s attentions, in a good way, people will look up to you. Consider that you can have a niche skill and still be successful at this. All physical executions work up to a larger concept or theme. So if you’re a stamp collector, you may inspire others to be diligent, hard-working and unique. Admittedly, stamp collecting is not the sexiest of hobbies, but you get where I’m going with this. This is aligned to the idea that people are attracted to others who are passionate about what they do.
Be your best self: This may sound obvious, but those who are their best selves are self-sustaining. They don’t need to use others, or gain energy from other people. They are good and quality connections to have. Being friends with them is just “easy”.
I’m sure there are unlimited tips and tricks to be well-liked. But I don’t think “tricks” are where it’s at. Again, to me this is all short-term success. If you don’t want to exhaust yourself with starting new again, try this out. But be warned… as you change and evolve as a person, you have a tendency to lose those in your life which are not at your energetic vibration.