390. Deduce Overarching Themes
I have to say… besides transmuting energy, concepts and themes are my favorite topic.
I talk about concepts and themes a lot… so what is it/what are they? The idea is that anything and everything which is a physical manifestation, whether that be thoughts, feelings, emotions to inanimate objects, everything ladders up to a larger “theme”. Usually when describing, I use the car metaphor. Cars come up for me as energetic impressions when clients are dealing with a certain type of a relationship with their life journey. If they have success with their car, they are likely on the right “road” to success. And if they are consistently having trouble with their car, perhaps their journey needs to be modified or amended in some way. Consider that aspects of a car can also have meaning. Brakes are our ability to “stop” or pause in an emergency. The engine is the “heart” of the vehicle. And so on and so forth. Anything and everything is in some way shape or form… a concept or a theme.
Now you may be thinking… this is a little too witchy. Just because I have a brake issue, doesn’t mean I have a life issue. I guarantee that while this is one specific example, there are lots of other patterns and clues which start to make sense in your life if you really start to think about it. Energy is energy, and we’ve “created” in this life things which are rooted in other things. Or branches from other things. I do truly believe that everything is inter-connected. While I just call it by proxy energy, one could loosely describe it as string theory. There has to be a method to our madness, in some way shape or form.
So you may be asking… what’s the point? These are just fun observation. The point is… everything. Our lives and the universe are not just rambling bouts of energies, they are intricate parts and pieces of a puzzle which hold information, secrets and enlightening observations which we would strongly benefit from. Benefit from isn’t even doing it justice. It’s truth, existence and… being. A sense of being you may never have thought was possible before. But that’s of course just my opinion.
Since we’re all not overly intuitive, and I mean this for myself, as well. It’s hard to understand yourself because you’re incredibly biased. You’ve only grown up with one perception value of the world, which is yours. Who are you truly, if you can’t know and understand from the universe’s perspective? Concepts and themes help provide those clues and that insight.
So if you can’t read energy as easy as a psychic medium, how can you deduce your own overarching concepts and themes?
Now you may be asking… if anything and everything has a concept or theme, how am I supposed to even start this process, and what’s relevant? That will simply be up for you to decide. I find that we have some “core” concepts and themes related to our life purpose. Ones that follow us through our life time and are attached to our learning lessons here. The big ones. I sense that people tend to have a couple. Maybe at most a few that follow them through their life. It may be good to understand things that go particularly well for you, as they are likely your strengths. But more helpful, to understand things which don’t go very well for you to understand your weaknesses.
I talk about the “buoy effect” being a way to improve your life without having to directly deal with your issues. This is using this “web” of energy, or by proxy energy, to your advantage. In other words, you can leverage the inter-connectedness of energy within your life in order to lift up other areas. So if you’re struggling with multiple things, by leaning into something that you’re not struggling with, or something you’re struggling less with, you may indirectly help the thing you are struggling with. And this can help make life a bit easier.
This is a good segue into the first part of unraveling this process. Observation and deduction. Set an intention to start knowing and understanding overarching concepts and theme in your life. Start writing down things that you notice. Even if it’s not a theme itself, just patterns of energy. And then start to see things from a different perspective. Take a look at what “sticks” or comes up more frequently with these patterns. Simply shifting your perspective will make a huge difference.
So now you may be asking… how do you quantify this information? Put a name to it? Thankfully, we already have a concept and themes guide. But what is it, and where is it? It can be found in literature.
To kickstart this, let me share a few themes relevant in my life: time or timelines, self-expression and connection.
Let’s see what the internet has to say about literature concepts and themes. Here’s some examples:
Coming of age
Good vs. evil
Circle of life
Loss of innocence
Faith vs. doubt
Now, this isn’t perfect. I do feel that some of these are a little bit too specific to be considered a metaphysical concept or theme. But let’s talk about some other common ones I notice. Hint: they are all somewhat rooted in astrology,
Healing/healing arc
Addiction/loops or repetitiveness
Spirituality or the “unknown”
Research and knowledge
Hard work/labor
Deduction and refinement
Breaking walls/rewriting stories
Uniqueness/being different
Communication or persuasion
Organization or compartmentalization
Empathing/transmission of energies
Home or concept of home
There can be an unlimited amount of themes that we are working with in our lives. Consider your drive, pursuit, passions, etc. Depending on what you intend to use this information for, I would largely say that the “higher-level” the theme is, or how much it can cover, the more helpful it can be for you. This is because it will provide you more options. Here’s an example. You may be struggling with the loss of a loved one. But there may be other areas of your life for you to “add” new and interesting things or energies. Plants, friends, pets, etc. All of these are a similar concept and theme, so it will help raise your vibration in these areas. Nothing will ever fully replace another thing, but by refocusing your love and attention onto other energies which need it, you begin to heal. You can also help work with others who are dealign with loss, in some way shape or form. This is also integral to healing, as well. Perhaps those who lost a part of themselves, metaphorically or physically. Loss can be anything and everything. And that’s why “larger” or greater themes can be more helpful.
Remember that our themes are a swinging door: We may be strong in them at one point in our lives, and weaker at another. We may only need to experience them for a couple years, a few decades, or our entire lives. It’s whatever our soul’s journey is in this lifetime. Have faith that your struggles with these themes are intentional, but it’s also intentional that you’ll come out of them.
At the end of the day, we make up our own “rules” and our own ways of perceiving our lives. I find that concepts and themes are particularly helpful, but perhaps it doesn’t help you at all. I would recommend at least opening yourself up to them. Remember that there’s no “wrong” themes, and it’s simply a tool that you can use for now and the future.