395. We All Have The Same Amount Of Manifestation Power
Leave it up to the internet to let us know that we have the same 24 hours in a day that Beyonce has (lol).
Sometimes it’s hard to understand or imagine that we have the same manifestation ability at someone else. Particularly if this someone else is healthy, powerful, successful, rich, etc. I think we get caught up because other people are at a point and place in time where they have a bit more energetic leverage, through inertia or things that they have already built up over time. Of course it’s going to be easier for someone to buy a mansion tomorrow versus someone who’s living minimum wage. Because energy tends to accumulate, and at times, even multiply. However, I do truly stand by the belief that we all have the same manifestation power and ability. Again, we may be at different points in our journey than others, meaning that we may not have as much access or persuasion at any given moment, but we are still human beings part of the same collective, meaning that we share an energetic source. So the only difference must be the way that we’re using it.
So we have validated that some people have more challenges than others, which I certainly know. It’s not uncommon for me to read people who have a lot of energetic baggage versus a clear channel. It’s not anyone’s fault if they incarnated in this lifetime with energetic issues, but it ultimately becomes their responsibility to solve it, or release it.
So we must ask ourselves, besides this snowball of energetic inertia, what makes someone a better manifestor than someone else?
I do find that having a lower vibration makes it harder to manifest. Why? I think there are several reasons. One being that you’re totally unfamiliar with the process, so your manifestation may not be totally “on it”. You may be misaligned with your authentic self, meaning that you’re manifesting thing way out of your zone of intention and purpose. You may also manifest things that are too specific/physical and not broad enough to help or let the universe intervene. When you are at a higher vibration, you have a clearer channel, meaning it’s easier for you to tap into these authentic desires, and therefore, easier to manifest what you need and want. Remember that if you are manifesting something that is not for your highest good, it will be much more challenging to accomplish or receive it.
Understanding what blocks us from this manifestation ability, I want to dig further into intuitive alignment and “abundance”. Most times when we think of manifestation, we consider ourselves to be celebrities, having unlimited wealth, etc. We fail to stop and think if these things would and will truly make us happy, and how they are aligned with our truest desires for learning lessons in this lifetime. This is why it’s particularly important to align to our subconscious. Why drift away from “fate”? Every person has differing goals in this lifetime, as we are all fractals of a whole. Meaning that your journey is incredibly unique and different from other people. So it’s important to only use other’s lives as a means of inspiration, but not in regards to comparison. Success for you is not just financial. It can be physical, emotional or spiritual.
I think that at times, the “secret sauce” in terms of manifestation is belief. If you don’t believe that you can achieve your dreams, hopes and desires, it’s likely that you won’t make the step into proactive work into doing it. Often times our fears of success and failure tend to hold us back. Sometimes you need to really disassociate from your current reality in order to “feel” that you have the chance, or even are, living a new one preemptively. I’m sure we’ve all heard of those wild manifestation stories where people are in a strong sense of delusion that they are new, exciting and interesting people. It does help. And after all, it does make sense. The shift and transition into a new life isn’t an easy one. At times, I do feel that it’s what sometimes blocks us. We all like the idea of a new life, but don’t necessarily like all of the change and transition which comes with it. Sometimes this means we lose our job, our friends, family or romantic partner. Maybe even our home. With great change in one or more areas, comes great change in other areas. Are you willing to blow up your life to achieve your dreams? What about face some of your deepest fears or blocks? Why or why not?
IF we do not believe we have manifestation power and ability, we may get nowhere. Just this simple sense of faith and belief will take us quite far. Sometimes it needs to be the only thing, other than asking from help from the universe. Having a clear channel is not just helping others, but also having the ability to “receive” abundance. At times, these blocks can also prevent us from going where we need to go.