398. How We Unintentionally Enforce Censorship & Control
For living in the United States, in some ways, we’re quite sensitive about the first amendment, free speech, and ensuring that we aren’t getting censored. Taking a step back, I do feel that we are not the purveyors of the concept of free speech, however we are generally in the clear from punishment by law if we do speak our minds. That I am truly grateful for, as I would essentially not be able to do my work, or perhaps even live if I was in a more censored country or state.
It’s hard to imagine that anyone would want to be censored themselves. We can assume that censorship and control is an act that others project and enact onto others due to their own issues with self-confidence and fear. So what exactly is the relationship? One could imagine that the freer others are with their speech, somehow, indirectly, the less free that we are. This is of course a common type of fallacy that we often times buy into. When one person has something, we can’t, or we lose something in some way shape or form. I will say that for those who believe it or unintentionally live it, it’s going to be a rude awakening on the other side, or in their next life. That’s a line of karma I’m not interested in interjecting.
Nevertheless, I want to talk about how although in this country our government does not enact censorship and control, we amongst the masses unintentionally or perhaps indirectly do. Let’s be real… none of us are perfect. It’s hard to exist in this lifetime particularly with political figures or even those close to us wanting and wishing they would “shut up” sometimes. That of course… is censorship and control. But how else is this used, and how subtle can it be?
Extremely subtle, although you may notice when you feel it. Whether you’re amongst friends, family or coworkers… perhaps even on social media, we’re certainly not immune to the negative comment. Perhaps the negative feeling from others. Someone may shoot you down or make you feel less than, and you begin to feel reserved and awkward. The truth is… any situation where you’re not made to feel safe or comfortable for being your most authentic self, you’re in a situation of censorship and control, indirectly. I know it may seem dramatic, but let it marinate for a bit.
I do want to acknowledge that there are certainly multiple aspects and sides to us. We’re not just one dimensional. So one could argue that we may always be somewhat “playing a part”. I do feel in these instances, despite us wearing a different hat, we are still truly authentic, and not wrapped up in the thoughts, feelings and emotions of others, or perhaps society as a whole I think that if you’ve been in this “masking” phase for a while, it may be hard to discern, but as someone who has lived through both, there’s a clear distinction of lack of stress and anxiety which comes from being your most authentic self. You just have to be audacious enough to do it.
Back to the social media example, often times when you’re dong something good or even great, you get negative backlash from others. I do find this is a “test” from the universe to keep going. But one would have to think… why continue? Why keep doing what you’re doing only to receive so much negativity? Well, I think that’s inherently it. Why are you doing what you’re doing? If you receive one wrong comment, are you just going to flat out quit? There needs to be more substance and more stamina. I do often times wonder if negative comments and feedback are ways for the universe to strengthen our spine.
It’s important to keep in mind that although censorship is often times text and speech, consider that censorship can be of oneself. Say for example that you have a boss that is trying to minimize your skills, accomplishments or maybe even your visibility to management, because they personally are suffering from low self esteem. Perhaps they feel anxious that they can’t control you. This is of course… filed under censorship.
This kind of subtle censorship and control is not only for those who are “bad”. Anyone can fall victim to it. Consider your anger, frustrations and obstacles with others. Do you act slightly differently with them to unintentionally get them to act a certain way? There may be lots of little things which you instinctively do, which are perhaps learned behaviors, expected behaviors, or old patterns and beliefs which are acting themselves out. It’s good to take time to reflect on our communication styles, as well as our relationships with others.
If there’s one thing to take away from this post, it’s to hold a mirror up to our own selves. there’s so much constant criticism about different popular or famous figures, particularly politicians who are attempting to ignore, frame or censor other people, but on a smaller scale, how much better are we? Unless we truly feel that we are embracing any and all loving, positive energy as well as gifts and skills from the collective, we can’t say that we’re much better.