397. How To Be A Better Human Being 101
There’s really no setup for this, besides channeled information. I do feel like especially with all of the alien talk lately, this is clearly for humans. Not pets, plants, animals, etc. Just humans. And hopefully it’s from a realistic or somewhat realistic POV. I guess we can ask ourselves… what is the goal here? Why be better? I wonder if that philosophical question is out of the realm of my singular post, but being a better human is a good chance for us being more successful, happier, as well as the collective getting along quite a bit better and raising all of our vibrations as a whole. Remember that of course… you only have control over your own self. But your energy does inspire others and it can permeate.
Self-responsibility: I consistently talk about self-responsibility. I think that we can all agree on this, as the more we take self-responsibility, two things happens. One, we address rejected and repressed negative feelings, emotions, energies and experiences, meaning that we will not pass these down these problematic concepts and themes through ancestry trauma and karma. Additionally, taking on more self-responsibility means that you are addressing energetic problems and concerns, and not projecting onto other people. There’s also a sense of self-confidence and control with being responsible for your own self, and your future goals and actions.
Transmission of negative energy: I mean… do we really need to get into this (lol). I of course not only talk about it all the time, but it’s the crux of my beliefs, ideologies and teachings. I believe that our energetic bodies are an amalgamation of parts, negative and positive. Negative because we can either inherit past life or ancestry karma/trauma, or simply have negative experiences that we hold onto in this lifetime, but simultaneously, we can also have positive thoughts, feelings emotions and experiences. It’s somewhat like an addition/subtraction game. As we remove negative energy, we’re essentially a “clearer channel”, meaning that our vibration is high and we are more adaptable and resilient. We are also highly more connected to our intuition as well as others. Negative energies essentially act as walls, blocks and fears which we use as a prism to see the world, or prevent ourselves from moving forward with new options and opportunities. Let’s just put it this way… releasing negative energies is never a bad thing. I personally feel it starts a domino effect of positivity. Read more about transmuting negative energy on my pinned post.
Alignment to purpose (self & collective): Again… alignment to purpose is never a bad thing. I think that we can all picture in our mind the archetype of someone who has lost their passion, their are not motivated, they are direction-less. Ultimately, you can just become a shell of a human being. By aligning to this purpose you do inhabit passion and motivation, as well as inertia. You can make positive decisions for your future. When you align to what you want to provide to the collective, the way that you help others becomes more clear. And you are also likely to accept help from others as a result. There’s an enhanced connected experience.
Respect for… everything: This is connection coded. To find the beauty, value and purpose in anything and everything, even if it’s negative, you have ascended to a wisdom-oriented perspective. This is of course, a level of acceptance. You’re able to find the truth in things, and likely define your own truth. I would say that respect for yourself and others is an enhanced evolutionary perspective. Most importantly… those who are respectful often times create spaces for those to learn evolve and grow. Sort of like a wise teacher. I like to think that in these states we are more accepting of the mistakes of others. Overall just helps the world go round.
Adaptability & Resiliency: What would the world be like if our well-known artists, philosophers and inventors just “gave up” when things got too tough? I do feel like there are ways in which we can get to the point of adaptability and resiliency, and that’s primarily following the steps before this. Perhaps this is more so a byproduct, but I feel they are energies and characteristics that simply exist of the human condition, and ones that you can lean into or ask to lean into at any point. Every time you’re down, be sure to get back up. Resiliency will ensure that your life force is strong. And adaptability is simply important to not just thrive, but survive. I find that adaptability is often times the level of connectedness we have with the rest of the collective.
The most practical and tangible next steps that you can do in order to work on all of these points is to set intentions and affirmations. For example… “I am adaptable and resilient”. You can also ask for signs from your guides, ask to receive new options, opportunities and healing experiences related to these concepts and themes. And keep in mind, these are just out of my perspective. If you want to really dive deep into this topic, see what comes up for you. At this point in place in time, more specific to you, how can you be a better human being"?