4. Are Vaccines Anti-Spirituality?


Vaccines are of course nothing new, but the rise in skepticism regarding the COVID-19 vaccine certainly had me wondering- what is the hesitancy toward taking a vaccine? Granted there are several nuances in regards to this. Could be spread of misinformation, how quickly the vaccine became available, or perhaps people are unable or unwilling to move forward with their own lives. I know that may not seem vaccine-related, but the fact of the matter is a large majority of consciousness will be getting the vaccine. So what does that mean for others? Is it a good thing? Or a bad thing?

This post isn’t to sway anyone’s opinion one way or another, although I myself have gotten the vaccine and do feel it’s the right move for humanity in contrast to the opposite. I’m more interested in the spiritual perspective and spiritual significance. 

Much of my work has centered around the fallacy or illusion of the word “natural”. As a matter of fact, our society has become obsessed with “natural”. There’s a lot of good that can come from this. It’s put a lot more pressure on companies to disclose their “recipe” information, as well as move toward higher-quality ingredients. But what is considered natural, and what is not? Is “natural” only what’s picked directly from the ground? Looking at myself and around my environment, I essentially interact with my cat, water and some food which are truly “natural”. Besides that, I work in a four-walled apartment. Now certainly that’s not great, and a perfect way to live, but going back to my point- much of our reality is not natural. What I find more interesting is the “fallacy” of natural. We perceive everything grown from the earth to be natural, but everything has been created by us? If aliens came to our earth, they would not perceive grass as “natural”. In fact, it would be completely foreign and potentially a threat/danger to them. It’s only our ideology which separates natural from not. If everything is technically created from earth, isn’t it technically natural? I sometimes wonder where the line exists, and I’m not sure anyone truly knows. Likewise, many “natural” things aren’t good for us, but still exist on earth. There’s much to talk about in regards to this, particularly leaning more into AI alongside our consciousness evolution, but it’s a slightly different topic.

So what happens if the majority of earth consciousness takes the vaccine? Good question. The majority of humanity energy will include vaccine energy which means that is what our consciousness will be moving forward with. As I mentioned before, the only code which is ingrained in us and earth is adaptability and change. So for those who are unwilling to adapt and change, what will be their fate? What will happen when there is an energetic split/divide? The virus itself proves that not only are we incredibly delicate as a species from outside “threats”, but less likely to conquer any new ones if we aren’t on the same page. The largest tragedy I witnessed throughout this entire process was the inability for humanity to come together to make intelligent, united decisions in regards to facing the virus. I’m unclear on the “sheep” mentality, as the biggest fallacy that most people move through in their lives is that they aren’t already a sheep in the machine, so to speak. Although we inevitably know that most peoples’ negative projections onto the world and others is simply a deep fear, wound or insecurity of their own part. Ironically, it seems that most of these people fall into some type of cult-like ideology or way of thinking which is inevitably “sheep-like” thinking, anyway. It’s all a paradox within a paradox. 

I did want to go back to not willing or able to move forward. Is there part of our consciousness which is hesitant to move forward? As we move into the next four years of expansion, it’s no surprise that people on more of a contraction timeline are resisting this change. 

To sum up, I feel our perception value in regards to “natural” is quite limited in direct correlation to the universe and what we have “created”. On that same note, what we “create” whether that be “natural” or not is a result of our creativity and manifestation which is ultimately, sourced from spirituality.

Aligning to the collective is the fastest way to “progress”. Although you don’t necessarily need a vaccine to do that, consider long-term energetic trajectory. Are you comfortable with being energetically separated from consciousness? Although it sounds quite bold and dramatic, this is a bit of an unprecedented situation physically as well as mentally and spiritually. 

Some find comfort in being energetically separated. Remember that striking a balance is best for long-term energetic trajectory.

To sum up, we know what we know for a reason (as a consciousness). If we did not have the capability and power to create a vaccine, we wouldn’t. Consider that a virus is energy and a vaccine is energy. Fighting energy with energy. WWE of energy. With that said, I’ve become delusional and I really need to get to bed. I believe that’s all the points I have for now, but I’ll likely continue to speak on these points in the future and/or add to current ones. Be safe :)


5. Intro To/Examples Of Eastern Medicine


3. All About Earth Timelines