3. All About Earth Timelines


My first popular TikTok surrounded reading a projected timeline to help understand how long someone would be in your life for. Now, of course, there are a few issues with this to note. One, you may not totally be aligned to your intuition yet to get the best reading. Two, since timelines can change, there’s no guarantee that this is totally right. And three, any sort of projection, error or mistake (or even doing a short timeline) will influence your results. Although I must admit, it’s something I use frequently :).

How to do it:
1. Draw or imagine a “timeline” which looks something like this:
2. Write the name or imagine the person you’re thinking of, and set the intention of what you would like to know (for example, how long will this person be in my life)
3. Write or imagine the amount of time between these two posts. You can do just a few months, a few years, or quite frankly, infinity
4. Using your intuition, you will imagine a “line” throughout this timeline. You can also use your hand/writing tool to make a “mark” where you “feel” it should go. So it will ultimately look something like this:
Present I———————I——| 6 months

You can see that in this demonstration I made a mark in the middle but toward the 6 month mark. This means we can deduce that this person may be in my life for say about 4/5 months. Again, this is just a tool using your intuition and not a destiny. We are the masters of our own destiny at the end of the day :)

So can you use this for pretty much anything? Yep. You can even use it for yourself. For example, you can ask your higher self when you may get a particular job, or perhaps when you will move. The opportunities are endless.

So why is this article named, “earth timelines”. Well, quite frankly, timelines are already complex and they can not only lead and follow each other, but they can also be parallel or “compounding” or integrated. There’s essentially an unlimited of timelines, as timelines are just a “guess” of what may come next for us in our life based on our current energetic state, past experiences, etc. Earth timelines are read within the earth matrix or grid, and so they are a bit easier to deduce and understand. Perhaps one day I will tackle universe and inter-dimensional grids, however, today is not that day.

What’s kind of challenging about earth timelines is that it is technically energetic information and therefore a branch under universal energy, however it’s more to do with fact-based patterns, rather than more abstract energetic information. I had estimated that we have about 8 concurrent timelines happening at one time based on different themes (for example love, health, etc.), however I do believe it’s up to that particular person. Since we all live similar lives and experiences (at least thematically), I do imagine it’s consistent. However it certainly gets more specific from there. Your timelines can essentially have timelines. So for example, if we take love, right? Your love timeline (overarching) will be conducted over your entire life. So perhaps you incarnated to have a few breakups in order to fulfill your karmic duties. These all may have similar themes. But then you take that particular person. That person has their own timeline. For example, they may be a part of your life for only a few months, or a few years. Timelines are primarily broad and overarching but they definitely can fractal out.

What’s so interesting about the abundance of earth timelines is that not only do you have a multitude of timelines, but so do other people as well. On top of that there are natural or universal timelines (such as geo-location energy or astrology energy, etc.). It’s quite frankly a miracle that all of us are coexisting at the same time.

The important thing to note is that timelines are forever in flux. Some are carried out fully, and some essentially never physically exist. There’s also the consideration that your timeline is interacting with someone else’s timeline. So in a way, you are at the mercy of their will.

Without completely straying from the point of timelines, it is important to note that there is a purpose to the point of timelines. Although we have free will at the end of the day, we do incarnate here for a purpose. Some of us have greater responsibility than others, but we are still all to a degree, at the mercy of timelines. This is because we’re all working within “time” or our energetic matrixed grid. 

If you’re still confused, just imagine that the energetic matrix/grid is like a code which is just going at full speed, rapidly. The code is regenerating itself based on past and previous events. Some of these are “options” for our lives, as again, we do have free will, and this is just a “guess”. The paths of least resistance, or for example, the “options” that we have set for us, which are closer to us in time and space (for example, since I live in California, I’m more likely to meet a soulmate in California, and therefore the timeline of someone who already lives in California is closer to me in time and space) will be the timelines I most likely move forward with. However, I don’t have to.

Now this begs the question, what is the right move? Is it “right” to continue along this “expected” timeline? There’s really no right answer here. This is where abstract perception comes into play. There’s no way to deduce happiness. There’s no way to calculate the “right” thing to do. It’s really up to every person to lean into their best intuition and judgment to determine if their current life is the one worth living, or they need to shift/make a change.

So how else can you read timelines? The first example I shared is great for beginners as it allows you to use your physical body to help guide you (as not everyone is used to working with their intuition alone), but you can determine much more information by leaning into more specific energetic information. Good news- you can still use your body! Just in a different way. I do find that physical yes’s and no’s are very strong indicators of accurate channeled information. For example, if I were to understand how “close” a projected timeline is to someone’s life and I feel very physically tight, closed off, or as if there’s “nowhere to go”, this timeline is either very close in time and space, or, something is energetically blocking this person from receiving it. The exact opposite is the case for a “far away” projected timeline. I would likely feel very open, free and that I can move around freely. This would then indicate that the timeline is very far away in time and space, or there is nothing blocking this person from receiving it.


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