404. We’ve Over-Complicated Everything: We Need To Deduce & Simplify.


No matter what dimension you’re in, or what earth you’re on… there’s always a consistency with evolution. And that consistency is that often times as a collective gains intelligence, and perhaps access, there’s always an abundance of “more”. It’s a natural cycle, as we are exploring more, doing more, thinking more, etc. as people. Things in the past were much simpler. There was one real path to life. We understood our roles. There was at times, protection and guidance provided for us. But somehow, we’ve evolved into a state of unlimited possibilities, meaning that we can more easily slip through the cracks. But unfortunately, some of these cracks lead to nowhere, or an escape from the safety net we once trusted. 

This isn’t to say that history was kind, fair or even sensical for everyone. The least that we can do is understand that there was “less”. Where was less commercialization, marketing, and by proxy, opportunities. There have been so many positive things which we’ve experienced through the rise of technology and a more “civilized” world, but it does often times come at a cost. We have created so many different fractals. In other words, so many things exist, whether they be physical, mental or emotional, we’ve completely and totally lost ourselves in the rubble. If we’re not attached to a built institution, we’re not just starting from ground level, we’re starting from below, as we’ve built up our societies so much, that there is no cognition of where the floor is. And depending on who you are as a person, the floor may be in many different areas or states.

What I find interesting about this entire concept is that in theory, it’s all a fallacy and illusion. If we truly think about our states of consciousness, intelligence or even perhaps unification as a species, there theoretically is no more or less energetic opportunity than there ever was. However, we have bought into, classified and accepted many more to date. It’s kind of interesting to think about.

If we’re always at a point where we’re in a delicate balance of harmonious energies, our stretch in evolution will, at times, exacerbate this concept or put us into a flow state. Kind of like how we expand and contract. But is our evolution, in a linear fashion, becoming increasingly against our own everyday interests? At times I do wonder this, as I feel the increase in health issues, anxiety and depression are related to our inability to provide lives for ourselves which are aligned to our most subconscious wants, feelings and desires. We pre-populated into a world which has somewhat lost control of itself. Despite, again, our evolution providing us with many beneficial opportunities, particularly through communication, providing for our needs and healthcare, I question to know or understand if we’re simply always in a state of fixing our own problems. At this point, there is a “fix”, problem or solve for everything, yet the majority of people who exist are only at the tip of the iceberg to actually solving their own real problems or issues. Meaning that in more ways than one, we are completely missing the point.

I want to go back to fractal theory and how in many ways, fractals are an extension of our energy and consciousness, but ultimately drive us further away from “source” or “the point” in which we are all inter-connected with our subconscious intelligence. Is it a coincidence that we are further away from conscious intelligence, and there’s more stuff out there? I don’t think so.

So does this mean that more things equals bad? And how can that be the case, as more things are ultimately helping and “saving” us?

I think that we can all agree that there are elements, aspects or points of an evolutionary process where refinement and deductive-ness needs to happen. And this natural process is important. We need to keep doing and making, so that as a collective, we can understand what is important. What fits. What we like or want. But if you aren’t in alignment with your higher self, this process can be painstaking. We may ultimately surround ourselves with things which are irrelevant, further complicating this process, cloudy-ing our judgment and making it more difficult to understand what is in our best interest moving forward. It’s also no shock to me that there’s a rise of people with ADD/ADHD or other attention deficit disorders, because in my opinion, we’re not really intended to be in such a chaotic existence. We are of course, intended to be at the height of our evolutionary intelligence and ease of being, but one would argue that at this current point in time, this is one of the most difficult experiences many people have had in living, existing or being.

In order to “save” ourselves as a collective, we need to start deducing and refining. Understanding what is not just important, but aligned, sustainable and the right fit for our vision of the future. Everything else must eventually fall by the wayside.

The solution to all of this is to align more closely to your intuition. It’s really the only way to confirm or deny what is good for yourself, and perhaps even by proxy, what may be good for others as well. Our current state of politics reminds me that you really can inhabit negative energies, thoughts, feelings and emotions, and use this to project and control the collective. At the end of the day, you can only control yourself. Although I find control to primarily be a fallacy, or at least different from the widely known perception of it, inner knowing and inner being is a valid way, in my opinion, to have control. Be the change you want to see in the world!


405. The Worst Thing To Happen To You Isn’t Death


403. How To Not Pass Down Ancestry Trauma