408. How People Exist Off Of Negative Energy
Everyone, of course, knows negative people. At least one negative person. There’s lots of different types of negativity. People can be outwardly negative, they can also be inwardly negative. Negativity doesn’t always have to be frustration and anger. It can also be fear or self-loathing. Maybe even isolation or proactive avoidance. If we consider that there’s a high vibration and a low vibrational scale, practically half of everything which exists, theoretically, could be classified as “negative”.
We are energetic beings by the pure fact that we are made of energy. We move, speak, think, etc. We take in energy through oxygen, food, water, inspiration and move. And we of course exert it through bodily functions, as well as creation and productivity. But these are only a couple of examples. It would be hard to encapsulate the entirety of our existence in this small paragraph.
I suppose before we understand how people exist off of negative energy, one must consider how we exist off of positive energy. It’s no secret that we can be moved and inspired by many things. Positive affirmations from our families, a lovely film. Maybe even a beautiful song or a hug/embrace from our pets. There are so many positive things that we accept and embrace. But not always. There are certainly times when we have difficulty accepting these things because of blocks or boundaries that we have. One popular example is romantic love. There are lots of cases where people want the love and embrace of a relationship, but have been hurt in the past, and therefore, parts of them do not allow them to do so. We can even consider the fear of failure standing in our way. Regardless, we take in this positive energy and “transmute” it, or reform it. Similar to how we ingest and digest food, we can do the same with any other energies surrounding us. People, places or things. We may certainly have a tendency to be attracted to things which suit us. If we are generally a positive person, we may be more attracted to happier music, TV, films, people and more. But in contrast, if we are at a lower vibration, we may seek out things which help us contextualize, inform or process our negativity. We could be dependent on substances, we may be attracted to other self-sabotaging activities, maybe even hang around people who aren’t good for us in some way shape or form. There are lots of times when opposites attract, but when we’re talking about vibration, like attracts like. I think we can all recall a time when we’ve been in a “meh” mood, and been totally not attracted to someone being or feeling so positive. Polar opposites.
In some way shape or form, we take this energy in. We metaphorically “eat” it. It runs through our system and goes where it needs to go, based on our intention. I believe it works similar to laws of by proxy energy.
It is quite interesting, because if we consider more high vibrational activities, these are things which help clear our channel. More natural foods offer us up a clearer channel. Exercise helps us purge energy, thus also doing the same. And activities which help us release fears or burdens, also do this. Whether they be self-reflection opportunities, spiritual get-togethers, etc. This isn’t to say that all of these things are 100% good for you, as you should lean into your intuition at the end of the day. But it’s certainly a helpful guide.
We feed off of the energy of other things, and positive or higher vibrational energy can be pervasive. But again… what if you’re a negative person?
Through this law of attraction, again, if you are feeling negative, you’ll likely “consume” or want to be surrounded by things similar to your vibration. i do wonder if these different “circles” of vibration tend to just orbit around space, almost like concentric rings. Perhaps when you “level up” you suddenly ascend into a higher vibration. And of course, you can certainly go down, as well.
The interesting thing about positive vs. negative, is that I find positive opportunities help to expand your mind into unlimited, free places. But negative ones tend to keep you where you are, or assert or affirm your beliefs. Keep an eye out, and you’ll start to notice it. Negativity feels more like a mind prison, where positivity has no rules or boundaries.
For anyone to continue to exist in any “circle” they’re in, they must find like things. Because it’s more easily digestible or acceptable. The real challenge is that it’s likely harder than you think to “skip” to different circles, as your entire energetic body must change BEFORE you do so, so that you’re more willing and accepting. While it’s true that the universe has a tendency to push us before we’re ready, consider how much faith, hope and optimism you need to make this “jump”. To feel so uncomfortable and as if you don’t belong, before you take this leap. It can be scary.
The concept of these circles can certainly feel a bit limiting or even cliche, but I find that intellectualizing them makes a bit of sense, and can be an easy way for us to understand not only where we are, but where we need to be. Consider your circle. Is it currently negative, or positive? Do you continue to be inspired and enlightened, or simply validated for where you are? And are you okay with this, or do you want to change? If there’s better out there, are you complacent, or are you itching for a better future, or opportunity?