417. Will Reduction & Minimization Be Our Salvation?
I talk a lot about the need to minimize, as when species evolve, they tend to over-complicate their lives. As mentioned previously, this isn’t a bad thing. We have science and technology for a reason: to make our lives easier. And I certainly don’t want to stray away from that!
The issue, particularly with the way that information travels at the speed of light, is the confusion and over-complication of seemingly everyday things and tasks. Before google and social media, we were essentially relegated to what was available for use. The only information we knew was through word of mouth, libraries and textbooks. Things were more simplistic, because they had to be. While again, there are certainly positives and negatives, it truly took away our option of too much choice. Is choice a bad thing? Not necessarily. But it does become one when we’re not aligned to our intuition. After all, with so many seeming “experts” in every single field, who do you know that you can trust, or believe? Even through a period of time, trial and error, and consumer opinion as well as scientific studies, the rate at which what “should” be good for you reaching its intended purpose within or outside of your body, can still, actually, be a slow process. If only we could use our powers of perception rather than deduction. In other words, if we can proactively know and understand, through our own intuition, what is good for us or aligned to our higher path, we’ll actually start getting somewhere.
The issue of maximalism, when not done right (essentially not paid attention to) is the lack of renewal. In other words, we retain the same people, places and things all the time. This may have worked centuries ago, but with how “fast” and exponentially our society is evolving, we need things coming in and out of our lives ASAP. This is essentially our own process of trial and error. I recommend that daily routines change every 8 weeks in order to keep up with the ever-changing flow of energy.
Reduction and minimization truly comes down to refining clutter and knowing what needs to “stick” or stay. The closer you are to what aligns to you, and the less “junk” that you have that doesn’t, the clearer your headspace will be overall. Additionally, you’ll truly be able to properly utilize these items. Other things won’t be overlooked, and there will be a wonderful energetic exchange between you and your things. When you have less, your energy can “bounce off” of items that you use every single day. Energy doesn’t need to be wasted on extraneous things.
In a world where we’ve created, thoroughly, so much, there always comes a time in history where we need to “let go” of what we’ve started, completed, or been in the middle of, to start anew. Not everything is energetically appropriate for any given time. Kind of like how trends come and go. The more we adapt to change, including understanding what’s necessary to keep for this change (through reduction and minimization), the more on top of it' we’ll be. The more assured, aware and positive our outlook will be.
Regardless of what you have, take time to take note. Know and understand what you currently have. What can go? What needs to stay. Paying attention to the things around you will likely bring you closer to a sense of peace, and even more in control of your life. Connection is valid, and it’s not just with you and other people. It’s with you and every element and aspect of your life.