421. How To Tell If Someone Is “The One” Based In Metaphysics
One of the most daunting questions we face, as the subset of people who choose our partners individually, is how and if you know someone is “the one”. This is of course, talking about romantic connections. Although theoretically this can apply to friends and even family, considering the attachments, commitments and relationships we share with those we’re in a romantic connection with, the decision is a bit more daunting. On top of that, with the added level of emotions, sometimes we can’t see so clearly. While I feel this certainly depends on person to person, there’s likely some concepts we can extrapolate metaphysically which will illuminate an “answer”, so to speak.
Before we dive in, it’s important to consider the role of a romantic partner in our lives. At this point in time, our partner is quite literally… our partner we share a life with, and typically grow a family with. They share our physical space, our mental space as well as our emotional one(s). For some couples, the degree to which their lives are intertwined or even codependent is up to each and every couple. This will also likely impact results.
In terms of metaphysics, your partner should be… your energetic partner. There should be a soul or mental/emotional connection, as well as a physical completion. And sometimes, it’s vice versa. But you really want to focus in on this duality. In a previous article, I mentioned how there’s two parts to this duality: a soul connection and a matrix or physical counter-parting where your strengths are their weaknesses, and vice versa. But again, this can alternate physically or mentally/emotionally. And this is a good segue.
Sometimes we’re not truly “supposed” to know (a lesson in trust), or there may be more than one perfect person out there, and they come and go throughout our journey. Acceptance of what the universe has in store for us will make this process much, much smoother!
Perfection in dichotomy: Consider likeness and completion. Either you’re both physically alike and mentally/emotionally completing each other, or vice versa. The “likeness” will likely be what draws you together and keeps interest, romance and more alive. And the “completeness” will be integral for having support as you go throughout your journey. A situation where you’re like in both senses may lead to stagnation. And difference in both senses may result in both parties wandering in their own direction.
An equal energetic exchange: This is somewhat similar to above, but is more so about each person’s energetic body or essence. While everyone is different in the way that they exist, communicate, and more, there should never be a time where you feel “exhausted” by being in a relationship with one person. There should be an equal mental load (or if there’s not, one person is picking up slack in another area), and likely a physical one as well. Whether you’re both tackling the same “chores” or you’re both independently supporting yourselves or one another, there must be energetic equality. Because this can differ so vastly within couples, it can be challenging to spot this. But the true “answer” lies in how you feel with this person and after seeing this person. Energetically confused, depleted or agitated? Or do you feel completed, revived and clear-minded? Feeling and being exhausted in a relationship is either a sign that you need to work on your issues as a person or as a couple, or that it’s just not “right”. Certainly work to address any problems or issues before terminating the connection or relationship.
(Early) gut instinct: The challenge with leaning into a gut instinct is that our gut instinct tends to be repressed and ignored as time goes on. This is why it’s so important to listen to this early on in the connection or the relationship. Were you in a bad situation where you didn’t feel you had a gut instinct? You may have not asked yourself the hard questions or sat with yourself in a meditation. Be sure to ask the universe and your spirit team from signs from above to validate this connection. Keep in mind that we’re not always in connections which are intended to “pan out”. People are often times brought to us to trigger us in order to evolve and grow. That’s often times just life! If you’re sick of this pattern or trend happening, where you keep meeting people who hurt you, it’s likely the universe’s way of saying “you’re not getting the hint”. Intention set and affirm that you’re working on themes, problems, issues or fears related to this, and you’d like to learn your lessons a different way.
Proactively working on yourself: Low key, I see a lot of people stagnating their own growth for the sake of remaining in a relationship. They choose to direct all of their effort into solving a problem which of course… can’t be fixed. Sometimes it’s easier to distract ourselves than to face the truth. By prioritizing your own self-growth and healing, you absolutely NEVER interrupt a soul-destined connection or relationship. Only ones which aren’t intended to last. While this may not immediately illuminate an answer, it will speed up a timeline leading you to more clarity and a new answer. Throughout all connections and relationships, we’re asked to face some demons. It’s a byproduct of lie. If we decide to avoid these altogether, we will poke holes and find problems within the other person or connection itself. It will become more difficult to discern what’s positive improvement vs. an intentional energetic downfall.
Focusing on trust: You may think this means trust the other person, but it’s about trusting yourself and the universe. While this may sound identical to gut instinct, it’s slightly different. Having a sense of trust, peace, hope faith and optimism is crucial with relationships. It allows you to have a “clear channel”. If you’re at peace with the fact that a relationship may or may not survive, you immediately allow yourself to know and understand truth, rather than proactively avoiding it. To have trust with yourself and the universe is to inevitably receive any and all answers… inevitably and eventually.
Existence of expansion: Through problems with insecurity, partners can often times have the “contraction’ effect with each other, where they make their lives individually, and as a couple smaller. This is often times hand in hand with abuse. You may want to isolate your partner from doing things, seeing people, and more. What this ultimately does is make your world, their world, and your combined worlds much smaller. You lose connections and a sense of yourself. At the end of the relationship, you may suffer from an identity crisis or a total loss of who you are or once were. It’s essentially… all bad. Consider how this connection expands your mind and your world, physically and emotionally.