423. How To Dehumanize Someone
As I’m tackling this topic, I’m almost freaking myself out. Why do I want to teach people how to dehumanize others? Well, of course, I don’t want anyone to actually put this into play. This is for anyone who may be the victim of dehumanization.
The interesting thing to consider is that dehumanization does not need to come from one individual. As we know, throughout history and time, many people were dehumanized, as they are today. Whether they were enslaved, forced into work or labor, or simply “hated” due to any number of their authentic factors. It kind of makes you wonder where the line is drawn.
Is dehumanization enforcement, or is it much more subtle? Are we consistently, even at our most “accepted” form dehumanized by society? I’ve talked before about political or other ruling/organizational structures, particularly consumerist ones treating us as if we are a commodity. Anything and everything that we “pay” for directly or indirectly is a commodity. Food, water, shelter, safety, security and so on. So if we think about it, our inherent existence and value is a price tag. How easy it would be for all of these structures to “perform” at anyone’s intended desire, and force us into a situation where we feel or are “less than”. This already happens, as those with more money or power are made to feel more human than others. So, is this article even relevant, or can we simply assume that money is the key to accessing a life, experience or existence which isn’t dehumanized?
Through our life lessons here on this earth, as well as other earths and dimensions, we certainly go through experiences to channel and trigger us. I suspect that even those with money, may have issues with dehumanization. After all, this does not guarantee that their love life, family life, friends or even self-love categories are “fulfilled”. In all of the elements, aspects and areas of life, there’s certainly ways to be dehumanized. Perhaps dehumanization, in a way, starts from within, and then radiates outward. If you don’t feel human, it’s certain that others will pick up on this vibration and treat you less than. Not always the case, but it relies on the foundation and basics of metaphysics. Regardless of all of these points, to feel or experience being dehumanized may be marked by a few different characteristics. I know many experts speak on this topic, as war and war crimes strongly relate, so I’ll keep it metaphysics-focused.
Dehumanization is essentially lack of existence. And your own, authentic, positive, healthy and vibrationally powerful existence. I always say that no matter what, you can have freedom, as freedom is a state of mind. Consider that as a whole. What areas/aspects of life or in your own mind make you feel restricted, forced or pushed around? Are you truly free? You can set the intention to not only be free, but also ensure that you’re humanized, as well.
“The earth is flat” mentality: Two points here. On one hand, you’re experiencing limited knowledge, information and truth, and as a result of lack of information, knowledge or visibility, you are “seeing” a veiled reality. A person or figure of authority or perceived authority and expertise is saying it’s so, so it must be so! Of course, we would have to detail here who authority leaders are, and how we as people give our “power” away to authority figures, or perceived authority figures, but maybe that’s another story. Regardless, we’re getting a formulated “story”. The important note here is that we as people must have visibility into anything and everything. Thankfully, a byproduct of time allows information to be freer, as well as an escalation in technology, furthering the ability for this to happen. The second point is the “lackluster” approach to life, it’s 1 or 2 dimensional. When we’re shown a life which lacks spirituality, consciousness and more, we simply have a matrix which exists without our energy, our spirit and our consciousness. At that point, how or why is life worth living? This is why it’s so important for individuals to cultivate their own sense of spiritual being, meaning, purpose and create “beauty” and life within and for their own selves. We cannot rely on anyone else to do this for us.
Withholding of necessities of any form: We can of course understand the obvious here. Again, going back to food, shelter and water. When we are withheld these things, we’re ultimately dehumanized. But consider that anything and everything you need to be your best self is theoretically a “necessity”. The trouble is, this varies per person. Someone may be dehumanizing and not even intend to, as they may have different needs from you or for you. If someone is not at a high enough vibration as you or matched to you, they likely will not be able to provide you with what you need. Power structures ultimately “lose” power when they’re not able to or strong enough to provide for people with substantial vibration and consciousness. Ironically, this is a two-way street, as high vibrational people are relatively self-sustaining. As a projection of their own insecurities and lack of control, you can often times see this in romantic relationships, as well as professional ones. It’s likely that men tend to act our abuse and control in romantic relationships, as they tend to have more of a warped or “scarcity” relationship with divine feminine or abstract means. And in reverse, women may tend to do this with more physical-based relationships, such as clients, colleagues or vendors/contractors in a similar, yet opposite way with divine masculine.
Lack of existence: One of the more underrated, but highly weaved topics is the lack of hope, faith and optimism. Hope faith and optimism, as well as perseverance, are truly the only ways people continue to exist during grueling times. While you can certainly get out of situations without hope, faith and optimism due to an unforeseen or outside source, we only exist, theoretically, because we choose to. When there’s a controlling body, you can only demand and expect that your subjects will follow into line. Perhaps you truly want their existence, instead. But the existence of people who are brainwashed, and may not be brainwashed for long, is an ongoing threat. Therefore, these topics tend to require ongoing modification, emphasis and attention.
Lack of connection: You can certainly withhold information, but there’s power in numbers not just physically, but mentally/emotionally. The one thing multiple people in a group has is… well… gossip, but also a larger class consciousness. If multiple people are aligned, friendly and united, they are able to not just feed off of each other’s positive energy, but also access different “truths”. If one person has a gut feeling, they can align with another person who does as well, etc., etc. Again, there’s power in numbers.
Lack of vision: It’s important to convince subjects that there is not a better life out there. Reason being? No matter what you’re going through, manifestation exists. When you already know things are going to be great or are going great, it takes quite a while to shift and change your perception value. Typically, the best way to do this is through time. The longer you are in a deprived, depressing, painful state, the more likely you are to expect that this will continue. Manifestation is such a powerful tool, and since it theoretically lives in our own “mind”, our minds need to be programmed in a way to not expect anything good, aligned, positive or healthy to come in the future. I often times think about when abusive partners say, “you’ll never find anyone as good as me”. This is part of this programming.
Forced stagnation: If we think about it, consciousness and energy is always moving. It’s how we shift, change, evolve and grow. Even simply being an “open channel” allows this process to take place. But if we physically stagnate someone, as well as emotionally and mentally, we stunt their growth. Simply by waling and moving around, we’re open and accepting to energies around us. By remaining in one place, particularly if everyone else is brainwashed, you simply feed off of other people’s brainwashed reality and delusions. Much of historical war crimes would never be if people were simply allowed to be physically “free”. This may sound obvious, but setting “parameters” on people’s freedom physically can also do the same thing. This can also absolutely be done financially. Systematic abuse can happen in workplaces where leaders refuse to offer promotions and raises to their employees.