424. Guide For Intention Setting & Affirmations


I often talk about intention setting and affirming. And I mean… often. In a way, it’s the “first step” to healing and acknowledging/accepting your problems. But I never get too in detail regarding what intention setting and affirming is.

Consider that intention setting is the act of coming up with the intention (what you want to achieve) and affirming is simply the act of speaking it or writing it into existence.

Ensure that as time goes on, you use your intuition to consistently assess what’s working and what’s not. Maybe your approach or verbiage needs a slight tune-up. The entire process of intention setting and affirming will likely bring you closer to your intuition and subconscious as a whole, slowly making this process much easier.

Here’s some suggestions on how to make your affirmations and intentions effective:

  • The modality isn’t super important, but feeling it is (affirmations): People tend to get caught up in details. Should I say them out loud? Should I say them in my own mind? I recommend saying them in a mirror looking into your eyes and “feeling” the affirmation roll through your body. But the truth is… so long as you say it, you’re likely good. You just want to make sure you’re connected to yourself whenever you are saying it. If you prefer a more witchy approach and incorporating different behaviors and habits, go for it so long as it’s intuitive to you. You certainly don’t want to force anything simply because you were told it’s effective. Starting out more simplistic may be a better approach, and you can work up to more specifics. Consider your approach in life. Are you more pragmatic? Writing may be more effective for you. More abstract? Maybe vocal expression or in your own mind works just as well.

  • Be specific, yet open (intentions): You’ll want to ensure that you’re in the present moment: “I am”. And then of course some kind of a verb, which can be healing, releasing, etc. Essentially what you want to happen to the old, negative or stagnant energy. And then what it is. “Fear” is a good, overarching approach if you don’t know where to start. You can also state “blockages preventing me from doing x”. You can also affirm that you’d like to feel a certain way in the future, such as excited or happy. I often times affirm not getting sick before big events (lol). You can also affirm receiving signs and signals from your guides that you’re on the right track. You can definitely affirm more specific physical things, but keep in mind that when you get to specific, you lose the quality of universe interjection. You may think that you want your current dream job, but it might not be all it’s cracked up to be. Rather than state the job in particular, you can simply affirm a job coming to you with x qualities. Just some advice, but you will ultimately be the one discerning what’s best for you. Consider what happiness and success looks like to you. Are you fixated on a particular physical result, or do you prefer to be surprised beyond your current comprehension by the universe?

  • Quantity or duration (affirmations): I find that affirming every day, even if it’s not the same affirmations, is important to eep you energetically aligned and on track. It’s kind of like a subconscious to-do list every single day. Even if you aren’t physically acting it out, have hope and faith that your energies are doing the work. In terms of duration, it will really be up to you. Sometimes I’ve released energies which only required one affirmation total. But for longer-term intentions and goals, you could be doing it everyday or once every few days for up to a few years. Keep in mind that it’s important to assess which affirmations are priority and relevant. You also don’t want to over-inundate yourself with too much going on at once. Priority allows you to focus. I suggest about 1-2 affirmations per day at first, which are expected to shift and change over time. One which is short-term or daily, and another which is longer-term.

  • Timeline (intentions): As mentioned, some intentions are quick and to the point, and only take a few minutes. But you don’t want to only do things relevant to your daily routine. Intentions can be 5, 10 years for now… or even up until your departure. Why? Intention-setting regarding your life purpose will ensure that you’re making the most of your time here. Ensuring that you’re at a high vibration will make sure that with this work, you’ll enjoy it, too. Consider starting out small with daily and 5-10 years, then working your way up beyond.


425. How To “Sweat Out” Energy


423. How To Dehumanize Someone