443. Size In Metaphysics
While this article is a tad late to the “appearance” party, I haven’t really gone in-depth on an explanation for “size”. I’ve talked a bit about different types of appearances, and even went in on different parts/aspects of the face, etc. But what about “size” in general?
When we’re talking about size of us, as humans, we’re generally talking about height and weight. But of course, it’s noted that any/all aspects of our bodies have their own unique and distinct size.
Because I need to focus in on conscious beings, of course plants and animals would also fall under similar descriptions, but for the sake of relevancy, let’s just narrow into humans.
Before getting into the details of height and weight, let’s just talk about small vs. medium vs. large. What exactly does this mean? In the most obvious way, the “larger” you are, the more space, opportunity of energy you’re working with at any given time. Does this correlate to people’s actions, behaviors and personalities? Likely, but size is not a detriment in terms of our capability as humans. It’s kind of just like our… energetic processors. In a positive way, of course, larger humans can “take on” more energy. Kind of like how taller and more muscular people can move more weight. They can also do this with other energies such as mental or emotional energies. Kind of like how when you’re physically stronger, you tend to be mentally stronger, as well. Everything coincides with each other. Due to the ability to process more at any given time, this may seem like the ultimate advantage. But it’s not always, depending on our purpose here. If we’re intended to narrow into particular energies or focus in on things from a smaller scope vs. a larger scope, it’s likely that we would intentionally incarnate as a smaller person. There’s more focus, more refinement, etc. Particularly if you’re given a lot of energetic challenges, you may be smaller to refine. But if you’re intended be given a lot of energy in a short period of time… perhaps larger. Timelines as well as amount are definitely forces at play here.
If we go into more detail regarding height, we can glean even more information. Height itself is still somewhat of a mystery to me, and I think it’s because height can interact with many areas/aspects of your life. If we think about “height” in terms of timelines, it may be that taller people have “longer” timelines or “bodies” of time. Since the taller we are, if we’re technically talking about space, we’re less grounded, it may mean that taller people are intended to have less of a grounded experience and more of a spiritual experience in this lifetime. I think that honestly, the options can be endless. Another theory is simply aligned to what you’re intended to do on this planet. If you’re intending on becoming a famous basketball player… I thin you can see where I’m going with this. Another interesting metaphor is “height” in terms of potential. Are you able to reach “new” heights in this particular incarnation? Do you have more capability or potential? It must be relative. As some people know, height can also be a detriment. Are you too “large” to fit? Or maybe even fit into a stereotype, if you’re a taller woman. If you’re a shorter man, perhaps you incarnated here to break gender norms, or develop a fuller level of confidence. It’s all relative. Consider what your height offers you. and what, if anything, you struggle with.
Weight is also quite interesting, but it typically speaks to mass which is more in a circumference rather than an up and down situation. Of course, we know that having weight on our bodies helps us function. it’s sort of “lubrication” so to speak for our joints and muscles. In a positive way, it can provide as a “cushion” or softness around us. Perhaps in a wya, it speaks to our personality. But of course, there is always a detriment. If our weight prohibits us or limits us from doing things, it may be used as a tactical tool to “avoid” certain people, places or things. Since our weight is energy, if we’re taking on too much, we may have trouble releasing things from ourselves, or perhaps even from other people. As we know, the body keeps score. If we do not want to access previous traumas, there’s no doubt we “pad” them so that they are rejected and repressed. Similar to height, it may be that you incarnated in this life to deal with being “too thin” or “too heavy” in terms of your self-esteem or cultural norms. Both height and weight certainly ladder up to higher level concepts and/or themes. Of course, there’s practicality to weight, too. If you’re a runner, for example, you may find it’s easier to be thinner. And of course as a boxer or wrestler… perhaps a little bit larger. There’s a need for our “width”, but consider width as energy. How “wide” do you want your energy? Do you want to take up more space, as a means of comfort or control? Are you in too lack of space where you’re losing your boundaries and/or your identity? There’s lots to consider here.
The most important thing is to know and understand how you feel, authentically. While we don’t have control over our height through our diet, we certainly do our weight. Set intentions to understand what (if any) warped perceptions you have of your weight. What “size” feels good to you? It’s of course important to adhere to licensed professional guidance, but at the end of the day… it’s your body. The most autonomous thing you will have. It’s important to note that when we are in a warped perception value, we may see ourselves as too big or too thin. This is why it’s important to set intentions to know/understand how you see yourself authentically, and how you authentically want to be. Continue this process/journey. It’s about you, and not about the outside world in terms of their thoughts, opinions or views onto you.