45. The Significance Of Cleansing
Cleansing has been top of mind recently. Some people are particularly good at it, and others are not. Spoiler alert: I am not. Although of course I keep up with basic hygiene and maintenance, I tend to let things linger. I have some issues with procrastination. I’m messy. I’m not always one to take care of my items/objects and some thoughts, feelings and emotions go “undone”. Even when I do “cleanse” my space, I don’t feel that I do it particularly well. There are still nooks and crannies with items needing to be donated, recycled and thrown out. Of course over time I came to realize that it became particularly challenging to remove or release items which held negative experiences (and I didn’t want to go back to them). No surprise. I thought when I was cleaning out my last apartment I was going to have a heart attack. Taking care of “untouched” items was so overwhelming to me I could barely function. Since we leave our energetic signature behind on items (for better or for worse), if you’re energetically sensitive, it can be a… daunting situation.
Cleansing by any other mean is proactive transmission of energy. You’re “resolving” something so to speak. When you keep unanswered things lingering, whether that be items and objects misplaced, or perhaps even your body needs a cleansing itself, you’re allowing old, negative or stagnant energy to remain. It’s interesting to conceptualize how it feels to have an entirely cleansed and tidy space. Some people love it. Others hate it. But why?
If the show, “Hoarders” taught me anything, it’s that empty space can be overwhelming. It can mean an absence of things, an absence of security, or the potential for anything and everything to go wrong. Ironic considering the other option, I know. But it’s certainly a perception value, and a valid one, as many suffer from it. Often times during the show it becomes incredibly overwhelming for people to re-address their space. They ultimately re-address painful old memories. Whether it was a circumstance or instance that occurred there, or their lack of care and presence.
Cleansing removes the old and ushers in the new. Except the new can be very scary, intimidating and overwhelming. Which is perhaps why people often times avoid it.
Cleansing in many ways is really up to everyone’s own responsibility. It’s integral to move forward in life and keep things in order. It’s your own “center of the universe” that you’re taking care of overall. Consider that if the universe feels you can’t take care of your corner of the universe, it’s likely to give you/provide you with more. And if it’s uncomfortable to give the universe a consciousness, you can simply look at it through the lens of law of attraction.
Here are some of my best cleansing tips:
Start from the inside out: This is particularly helpful because it spans spaces and places. Starting with yourself, ensure that you’re hydrated, you’ve got good nutrition, and that overall your body is feeling “good”. This can also speak to mental, emotional and spiritual health as well. Of course it’s unrealistic to solve every single issue (unless you can, that’s great!), so don’t stress if it’s not perfect. Then start from the “center” of your space when tidying up and cleaning, AKA the middle of the room outward. This is a good energetic flow, as it sends any old, negative or stagnant energy “out” of the house. Also as a helpful tip, I like to start with any “living” things in the home that need proper care such as pets, plants, etc. They give off a stronger energetic vibration, so I like to ensure they are sorted before dealing with inanimate objects.
Use tools with powerful cleansing properties: It’s great to cleanse yourself with water and common health and hygiene products, as well as your space with water and common household cleaners, but consider smudging and salt as well. There are lots of online resources discussing the properties and attributes of spiritually significant items. Personally, I use salt scrubs when I shower and it feels like the negative energy is being forced out of me. In terms of your space, don’t overlook the value of all elements. Water, earth, fire and air. Personally, I feel lighting a candle sets an intention that it’s time to cleanse my space. It’s become a habit and it’s working well!
Set intentions and remain open-minded: It may seem trite or cliché’, but it’s true. By remaining open to any and all possibilities, not only do you set the space with that intention, but you may have an easier time removing things that don’t belong, as well as your process of cleansing overall. Personally, I feel being in the right emotional, mental and spiritual state helps the process go along smoother and more productively/effectively. Perhaps even faster. As you set intentions while cleansing your space, you leave that energy behind. But it’s positive energy. Next time you approach that item, perhaps you will feel more inspired and motivated to take care of it. No more leaving negative energy behind on items, only positive ones! It will make things easier in the long run :)
At this point I’m a bit tired and feeling loopy, so I think it’s the proper place to stop. I actually just accidentally typed “start” instead of “stop” which I think has some metaphoric value.
Consider the overarching theme of cleansing to be “openness” to what is coming next. Or removal of old, negative or stagnant energy. If you have an issue with cleansing, do you feel you have an issue with these themes? Perhaps there are other ways to improve your relationship with openness and energy transmission in order to help your relationship with cleansing. Remember, when we resolve one area of our life under the same theme, by proxy, we also raise others under it as well :)