458. The Highest Point Of Evolution


I’ve talked before about the height of evolution being, essentially, the mastery of transmission of negative energy. This is… true. But perhaps this only speaks to the process of getting there. So what is the “ultimate” evolution? At least for us species, in this lifetime?

Taking a page out of the transmission book, it’s certainly “acceptance”.

Many people confuse acceptance with having lack of boundaries. However, this isn’t true. In fact, it’s likely that the more you master acceptance, the better that your boundaries will be. Why? Acceptance is truly knowing not just yourself, but everyone and every thing. I would argue that the more you lean into acceptance, the better your intuition is. Why? You’ve eliminated rejection, repression, as well as ignorance.

Acceptance to some, may seem like a throwaway word. What is it? And why should we care? When we think about metaphysics, acceptance isn’t just a concept, it’s a state of being. It’s the way that you think and feel about yourself, and others. it’s the way that you operate as a human being, your behavior, your wants, needs and desires. It’s simply how you interact with the world. I think that you can certainly imagine the journey or destiny of someone who is radically accepting vs. one who isn’t. While the one who is radically accepting may not have anything and everything that you consider to be a “success” in this lifetime, perhaps related to finances or other areas/aspects of life, in my opinion, they’ve truly “figured out” life, and in a way, are truly living it.

Considering this idea of acceptance and intuition, the more that you have of both, the more that you can “fulfill” your life lessons. Someone running on a hamster wheel to a destiny which isn’t even theirs, is certainly not the way to achieve or receive abundance, success and happiness. You’re living out other people’s wills, the matrix’s will, or maybe even a previous version of yourself’s wils.

Acceptance is in a way… peace. And when you have peace, you can withstand and/or conquer anything and everything.

When we think about acceptance in terms of negativity and evil, a lot of people recoil. How can we possibly accept negativity? My question is… how can we not? Do we simply pretend that it’s not there? Do we reject it so much that it inevitably causes chaos and destruction in its own corner of the universe? Acceptance is saying, I now what’s going on, I understand, and I’m here/able to help. Chaos and negativity reigns supreme when higher vibrational entities do nothing. Is this to say that all high vibrational entities are responsible for anything and everything negative? Of course not. But our purpose is intricately designed so that we better ourselves, as well as other people. When we step away from this journey, our collecive loses its grip on growth and evolution. People stagnate, they get worse, and we multiply our problems. It’s easy to want to “give up” considering circumstances, but audacious to now that your help, even minimal as a human being, actually does make a difference. To say that you don’t matter is to, in a way, put all of those before you in vain, who alone as individuals, made a difference to the world.

Acceptance isn’t just taking on the burdens of the world, it’s ensuring that every area and aspect of your life is being “accepted”. It’s being cared for, and it’s being seen. When we put things in our life in the shadows, it breeds negativity. In a way, everything must come to light.

When we reach peak level acceptance, we’ve theoretically conquered all of the dark parts of ourselves, as well as society. While we still may not be perfect beings, there’s nothing that life will throw at us which we can’t handle. And it’s important to know that we can handle it.


459. What Separates The Human Condition From Other Conditions


457. Can And Do Spirits Lie?