56. Do We Actually Receive Signs Before Something Bad Happens?


I had a nightmare last night and it’s a recurring one. I’m always being “chased” by something. It’s always some type of a disaster, natural or otherwise. I always get the hint of a feeling that I knew this was going to happen. But more importantly, I also knew what to do. Not through fear or through thought, just through action. Innate intuition. I navigated circumstances and it worked out. Almost always.

It’s no secret that I’m a believer of “signs”. In fact, for practically anything major that’s ever happened to me, I’ve noticed signs leading up to it. Whether it be good or bad. For the bad, for the most part I ignored signs. I ignored others’ advice. Experts’ advice. Even my own. I ignored the intuitive feeling telling me something was wrong. I simply had hope and optimism that it would turn out alright. Now I’m not saying that you should trust the words of those around you. In fact, as a society I feel we are too dependent on anyone with a “voice”. But Sometimes others, particularly those who are close to us, can see things we can’t. They have the liberty of having an outsiders perspective. Those who knows us the best often have our best interest at heart, and they know us personally. Regardless, the point is that due to selfish reasons such as ego, physical want or desire, an unfounded dream, or just simply ignorance, there have been situations I’ve stayed in for too long, leading up to an ultimate “collapse” or “explosion”. However that particular energy cycle erupted. It’s important to note that there is associated risk with almost anything and everything, but I’m more so talking about situations which continue out of willful ignorance. Or more importantly, a significant amount of fear holding us back.

If we are all psychic at the end of the day, would this not state that we would subconsciously know and understand things coming for us? Why don’t we? Sure, you could argue that not everyone is aligned to their intuition. But I wonder if at the end of the day, we don’t want to know. We want to secretly be surprised at what will happen. Or perhaps we want to hold onto a piece or a moment/memory for so long, we’re willing to see its ultimate downfall for the sake of a feeling. It’s bizarre and incredibly weird and selfish, when you think about it. But we do it all the time. I feel that as a society lack of intuition isn’t always the problem, but lack of foresight as well. How can we know what we’re doing wrong when we can’t “see” the future? What is this is the best it’s going to be, or get? That’s where hope and optimism comes in. Knowing that you deserve better, you deserve love and the life of your dreams. It’s important to never settle for something you don’t want. And this can affect every area or aspect of your life.

So say we have an issue with intuition. Say we don’t want to know what’s coming next. But why wouldn’t we? Are there situations where it’s our destiny to “fail”? If this provides us with a learning lesson, perhaps it is. Perhaps the learning lesson is alignment to intuition, or perhaps it’s something more specific.

The more important question is what does this include? Can we predict the outcome of our life? What about others? And what about the universe? It sort of ladders back to an interesting concept where I am sometimes “blocked” from information when I’m reading clients. The reason being is that if I provide this information, it may alter the course of their future. It will ruin the surprise and delight moment. But how is that possible? Who is blocking this information? Me? Them? The forces at be. I wonder if sometimes it’s a combination of all things.

If I were to predict a natural disaster, would it be true? Would it be a projection of fear? Would I subconsciously get myself out of the way? It’s known that throughout history, many people have intuitively navigated themselves away from dangerous situations. But why have others not? I would say alignment and destiny are the two root causes. Not aligning to their intuition to read their subconscious, and willingness to face the eye of the storm to learn some type of a lesson, whatever that may be.

Many people over time have been faced with predictions or finding out more information than they may be ready for. And many hav strayed away from it. The truth is… hurtful. It’s painful. It can provide lifelong suffering. Which is often times why we aren’t provided the whole truth. I wonder what it would be like, though if we did. If our class consciousness tapped into this situation, and we could redirect the course of history. Yes, there would be pain, but if we were all to come together to resolve these issues, wouldn’t there theoretically be no pain, ever?

In terms of predictions of our lifetime, if we tapped into this information, we could change everything. After all, predictions based on universal trajectory are just part of the matrix. We can read patterns, and we do. We can read weather patterns, we can predict species endangerment. Other issues with our climate and our resources. This isn’t hard. But it’s hard to come together to acknowledge these issues. It’s hard to take on self-responsibility, or the responsibility of others. Which is why I feel some come to earth to do it, and others do not. What type of person do you want to be in this life? And what do you want your legacy to be?


57. What To Ask Yourself Before Meditating Or Regressing


55. How To Have Energetic Safety & Security