55. How To Have Energetic Safety & Security
It’s not too often that I ruminate on safety and security. For one, it seems pretty obvious what we “have” to do in order to be safe and secure. We need to ensure that we have enough resources to take care of our problems and issues, have a “safety net” whether that be friends, family, or even money. Of course it’s important to be in a place in which we feel safe. That we feel loved and taken care of and that we are not putting ourself in such extreme risk everyday. Sometimes we aren’t putting ourselves in extreme risk, but we can feel like it. Through uncomfortable and awkward circumstances, it can feel like the world is ending. To me, safety and security is all relative. I do also feel that happiness is wrapped up in safety and security. If you’re not happy, what’s the point? Our driving force is our motivation, passion and desire. And it’s important to retain to feel good each and every day and have law of attraction working in our favor.
So… is there anything else we can do to ensure our safety and security/ Yes. It’s no secret that aligning to our intuition can make us feel safe. But it’s not even necessarily in times of extreme danger. All of the little decisions that we make day to day ladder up to larger decisions over time. For example, by brushing your teeth every day you retain the health of your teeth which proactively avoids larger issues later down the line. Although that’s one example, there are numerous other things that we do day to day which swiftly take us out of danger, whether at the current moment or much later down the line. As a collective, we are all vibrating at different vibrations. We typically get along with people who are like us on a subconscious level. Whether that means our inherent overarching “soul” vibration matches theirs, or we have similar “grids” or in other words, strengths, weaknesses, life experiences, perspectives and values.
Now I admit, there are a lot of prejudices and stereotypes which can be drawn into this concept. It’s true that often times we feel uncomfortable with people who are not “like” us. But that’s simply through physical means. We all connect with each other on an energetic level and enjoy being around some people more than others, particularly when we get to know them. We are constantly buzzing around bumping into each other and different places and things, understanding what we like and don’t like. When we are so out of alignment, whether that be within a group of people, at a particular place, or surrounding by certain things, not only do we feel uncomfortable, but we feel our safety and security is at risk. We just simply don’t align. And although it’s important to get out of our comfort zone from time to time, it’s integral that we feel safe at the times and moments we need it the most. Particularly if this is our ‘home” or if this is related to our close relationships. Perhaps even with our job and career. I’m sure that anyone can attest to being in a bad relationship and it making them feel deeply insecure, uncomfortable and unsafe. However the opposite happens when we are in supportive and brilliant relationships.
So how do we resolve this? Well the simple answer is of course to attract yourself to people, places and things which do make you feel safe and comfortable. Often times we go throughout life tolerating discomfort for several reasons. Perhaps we’ve become so used to it that we’re blind to it. Perhaps we don’t have options or resources to change. But most commonly, often times we are afraid of what will happen if we do leave beyond this particular situation or circumstance. Going back to the relationship analogy, how many people do you know are too afraid to leave their bad relationship because they’re unwilling or not wanting to simply be single?
What becomes challenging as time goes on is we start to develop more roots and associations with different people, places and things, which often times makes it harder for us to move on. But the irony is that time is often perceived much faster and we become more independent as we age, whether that be personally, financially, or otherwise. It can often times become harder or not conventional to leave the past behind.
Let’s use an example. Say you’re part of group “A”. Group A can be very diverse, yet you all have some type of a common thread. Perhaps you all have common interests, like values. Maybe you all even grew up in the same time. But this is a group of people you know or would otherwise know which you feel very comfortable with. Then say for example everyone in Group A decides to leave the room, and Group B comes in. Group A decides that it’s time to leave. They have done their learning lessons and they’re ready to go to another room to learn more. But you decide to stay behind. Perhaps you’re unwilling or not wanting to move forward. When Group B moves in, you feel completely out of alignment. You feel singled out. Everyone’s looking at you, and you inherently feel you don’t belong. Perhaps others feel you don’t belong and you ultimately end up getting picked on or personally attacked. There’s dissonance and there’s tension. It’s important to note that sometimes it’s necessary to overstay your welcome in a particular situation, such as seeing out a particular opportunity or fulfilling a promise. But it’s important to remember that if you feel something is out of alignment, it likely is. And it will be up to you to determine the right course of action. I often tell people it’s ok to quit, but it’s not ok to not finish what you started. In other words, you can always cut off energies and add new energies, or redirect yourself, but it’s never ok to abandon energy and not resolve it. In other words, ignoring or rejecting past energies because you don’t want to deal with it.
I think that an argument can be made for both cases. You may never be comfortable in a variety of situations. But when the universe is trying to project you forward, and you are resisting its movement and maintaining arrested development, your energy begins to atrophy. It doesn’t grow. You become incredibly isolated by your environment and people around you. You simply don’t belong. I do truly believe there are certain people, places and things we belong around in this lifetime, and since energy is always moving, we must always move with it. Sometimes we get into situations where again, we feel like it’s life or death or fight or flight, even though our situation may seem incredibly simple or even menial to others. The most important takeaway is that only you know what’s right for you, as you retain your energy and you are living your life. It’s important not to hold yourself back for the sake of fear, and not to live your life in accordance with what’s expected from you. Particularly in this day in age, a lot is being asked of humans in terms of pushing boundaries and creating and doing entirely new things.
Be at peace, relax and flow with the universe. If you find yourself constantly fighting something with no end in sight, little to no evolution or reward, it’s likely that universe is asking you to move on.