6. Why Being “Out Of Control” Is More Common Than You Think


Historically when you hear the phrase, “you’re not in control of your life”, it’s often times referring to someone who’s hit rock bottom. This person quite literally cannot conduct any and all aspects of their life. Perhaps they’re headed for a disaster of some kind, as well. Although this certainly fits, I find that not being in control is much more common than we think.

This past political election has shown me in more ways than one that most people are looking to divert control. Perhaps in a way they feel lost, helpless or afraid. So are they in control of their lives? I’d have to argue “no”. Energetically, I feel that people are not in control of their lives when they’re unable or unwilling to achieve their wants and desires, or their dreams. They feel completely lost and helpless in terms of making their dreams a reality. They could in some way, be living an inauthentic version of their own life, or perhaps living under the constructs of societal conditioning. Many variables lead to people repressing their most authentic self. Some is religious, cultural, or perhaps even political.

If you don’t feel you have control over the trajectory of your life, even in the slightest sense, likelihood is that you look to others to regain that sense of control. Or perhaps you may even try to control others.

Quick interjection that “control” is a funny word and there’s an argument to be said that we never have “control”, but I’m using this as a general term which is familiar to the collective.*

Back to diverting control, this is an incredibly dangerous thing. If you put all of your eggs in one person’s basket, that means by proxy your wants, desires hopes and dreams are wrapped up with them. This is particularly apparent with political figures. They are claiming responsibility for you in some strange way. If they fail, you fail, and vice versa. Although this isn’t to say that co-collaborative efforts can share responsibility, because they can, and that’s a good thing. But this is particularly alarming when it involves someone that you don’t even know.

There’s not much I can guarantee in this lifetime, as most perceptions of energy, channeling and spirituality are up to everyone’s own unique perception value. But I can promise you this: No one will save you. Even if they try to, it will ultimately fail, as their efforts will only work if you choose to accept this energy and take it on as your own. In other words, take their help and run with it. But you’re the deciding factor. The last leg.

The question then becomes, how does one regain control of their life? Believing it is a start. Each and every one of us incarnates with the same manifestation power (separate post coming soon talking about this). Of course, there are some things that separate us. One would be challenges, skills, strengths, and abilities. Your circumstances and environment also play a big role. But with the power of intention and manifestation, you can achieve what you authentically want to achieve. You’ll have the clearest path when this is in alignment with yourself. Consider also that achieving your “dreams” may not be being a Hollywood star with millions of dollars. Is that authentically feels right for you? Then maybe it is. But perhaps your dreams are to settle down in the country. It’s entirely up to you. If everyone aligns to their most authentic self, there will be the perfect assortment or arrangement of life purpose(s) and final destinations. We are all exceptionally important in the grand scheme of our overarching/collective energetic balance.

You’re no different in terms of your source vibration amongst anyone else. We’re all “god-like”. So why do some people feel they’re less than? Likely due to a series of unfortunate events where they’ve latched onto and stored that negative energy. The goal is to transmute any and all negative energy to become a more clearer channel. This should help bring you back to a place where you understand that you are source, authentically.

If someone you know is having a similar issue, I would encourage you to offer them tools in order to realign them to their most authentic self and spirituality. Encourage them to release fear. Knowledge and understanding is the first step.


7. Can Psychics Make Finite Predictions?


5. Intro To/Examples Of Eastern Medicine