7. Can Psychics Make Finite Predictions?
Often times those unfamiliar with psychic or mediumship readings assume that the end “answer” is to have a yes/no prediction. A specific timeline prediction. Or a specific factual prediction. I admit, often times this does come up as a result (or some form of it) of an intuitive reading. But it’s only based on one thing: reading energy as it exists at this moment in time as a result of a compilation fo energetic signatures as well as a “prediction” based on previous patterns.
So why do we think the opposite? Two interesting reasons. One, the media depiction of psychic readings has us believe that we show up to a booth and a psychic tells us everything that we need to hear, whether we like it or not. There’s little to no room for not only conversation but context and information. But that doesn’t entirely make sense, as we are multi-dimensional beings. How is it possible that there’s only one answer? Only one path? Although it makes for good entertainment, the reality is slightly more complex and perhaps not as damning.
As I’ve channeled psychic information in the past, I realize one thing: Psychic information changes. The information we have access to changes. And it’s a result of our consciousness evolution whether directly or indirectly. A while ago, psychic predictions were more exact. But why? Perhaps because we were living more two dimensional lives. Or perhaps for whatever reason, this type of psychic information was needed at this time. Perhaps no psychic information was credible or believable if it wasn’t a wildly accurate, one-sided prediction.
Now there’s a bit more to the story. Often times when clients ask me for a finite answer, I have to let them know it’s… sort of impossible. Why? The answer is free will. Although we have a “pla” (F•R•I•E•N•D•S reference, am I right?), we don’t have a solid plan when we incarnate into this lifetime. The rest is up to us.
Take a certain situation for example. Say you’re married with three kids, and you come to me for a psychic reading. You want to know if tomorrow you’ll remain married. The answer is most obviously a yes, but is it? I have no control or prediction over someone’s free will if the energetic signature does not exist at this moment in time. Is it highly unlikely? Yes. Would I bet on it not happening? Also, yes. More reliable than crypto, after all. But there’s still no guarantee. You could wake up tomorrow and ruin your whole life. Or make it great. Depends on what you’re currently doing.
So where do the complexities overlay? Say for example this particular client with a family has been living an inauthentic life. Perhaps they did not want to get married but have been going through the motions convincing themselves that this is what they want, and that this is right. Perhaps in some ways, making themselves even semi-authentically happy as a byproduct. If I were to read their energetic body, I would likely get some dissonance, but if they have brainwashed themselves to believe this is “right” and “authentic” they may have a fairly positive reading. That’s when you need to access their higher self or subconscious self to determine their true, authentic feelings. In this lifetime we can bury these feelings so deep that we’re not consciously aware. I personally feel that 100% of mid-life crises are related to this.
There will never be a perfect match/answer for integrating your conscious self and your higher self, as in this lifetime they are two different entities. You can certainly integrate to the best of your ability and be aligned to your intuition, but you’ll never quite predict what’s happening next as there is information which isn’t presented to us deliberately at certain times in our life. If we were completely, 100% aware of our future, there would be no point in living life. We would already know. Surprise and delight moments, spontaneity and coincidences all contribute to our earthly experience. And if that were the case, they wouldn’t exist.
So what’s the point of all this? When you go into a psychic reading, consider your intention for the reading and your expectation(s). Understand how free will not only affects psychic readings, but also your life. Keep a close eye on the bridge between your conscious self and your subconscious self. That’s it. That’s the article.
Oh wait, I forgot one thing. We also have to consider that our energy is not only interacting with others around us, but the universe at large. Imagine it’s one giant chess game. You’re one chess piece, and the universe decides to knock you on your ass to make room for another chess piece (think Harry Potter). We are in a constant state of flux with the universe. And although we may feel that we have ultimate control, there’s no such thing entirely. We are a victim to the ever-changing flow of universal energy, and sometimes even our most well-known “truths” change overtime as a result of the energy we are a part of constantly moving and shifting. The best answer? Be proactive and keep moving forward in your life. When you stagnate, you allow the universe to take you on a wild ride. Not the good kind.