62. Is Timing Everything?


Having a moment on dating apps, I realize that timing is everything. Yes, this is how I come to terms with most of my breakthroughs.

We of course recognize this, but we primarily see it in larger and grander ways. For example, when you’re getting into relationships (or out), buying a house, getting a job, etc. It seems like all of the more monumental moments in our life are chalked up to divine timing. But why aren’t the little ones?

Of course we acknowledge things which we “just missed”. Fleeting moments of the day which slip through our fingers. Or perhaps things which even come too soon. Or what about being nearly at the exact same place as someone at the same time? I find that we only recognize timing when something goes wrong, or particularly right. But perhaps we should pay attention to timing in general.

What’s interesting is that when we communicate with each other as well as the universe, when things come into our life too quickly, we typically have an adverse reaction. Why is this? although prompt responses are considerate and timely, do we have the amount of time it takes to fully process our response? To have an energetic back and forth with someone? To truly be considerate? Perhaps your response is knee-jerk, and therefore it seems inauthentic. I personally find that when I need to send a response which has gravity or weight, I need to allow the question or the statement to flow through my body and sort of resonate on it. I find that this is ultimately the most considerate of all. Now this isn’t to make everyone overthink about timing, but consider how you respond and react to the world. Is it on auto-pilot? Particularly in a world that requires an immediate response, why are we not taking things in from other people and really cherishing it?

What I also find interesting is the time between process and response. Have you ever wanted to respond to something or someone but you felt it wasn’t quite the right time? I can certainly tell you that at times I let things go for a little too long. Particularly with people, places or things which are a bit challenging to respond to. You never quite know the gravity of your response, after all. The way that you think, breathe and move through the world may ultimately have a butterfly effect on people which is unseen. This is why it’s important to have intuition regarding timing with what you do. Now, Id on’t think this is something which needs to be over-analyzed, as I feel that you will ultimately feel deeply when something isn’t right. Or perhaps it’s a bit more subtle, and it’s just a hesitation or questioning. Perhaps you intuitively get distracted and come back to it. Although distractions and fear are certainly not good things, and shouldn’t be commonplace when trying to communicate with others in an overly distracted world, sometimes our intuition is the driving force after all.

Adversely, when we take too long to respond, we may often times find that the moment is gone. Perhaps when someone needs help, or something else which is urgent. Or perhaps someone needs your service(s). No doubt if you wait too long to respond to a job opportunity, the position may ultimately be filled. And if you wait too long to respond to someone else, that newness of connection may already be lapsed.

So what is the perfect time to response? Let’s say this… try your best to avoid working out of fear. In other words, responding too quickly or urgently because you think you should. Or responding too late because you’re proactively avoiding. A good tip would be to sit in silence and allow anything to pop into your mind. Who comes through first? Or what does? You can really use this trick for anything, but it may help clutter and clear your mind. Often times I sit and just observe my apartment, and allow my eyes to wander wherever needs my attention. Or sometimes I just get up and walk around and allow my intuition to take me somewhere. You never know what you may uncover.

While it may sound obvious to use your intuition in regards to responding, I do feel that you truly never know what would be the adverse reaction. I can’t tell you how many times I reach out to people because I intuitively feel it’s right, and they were secretly hoping to reach out as well. Or perhaps I triggered a thought or a memory. Or held space for a connection. A simple response can ultimately be healing. And you never know, in some instances may have true impact or change, or even affect someone’s life if it’s due to safety and security.

While it’s not good to overthink timing, consider having it at the top of your mind for some experiments. How does it feel to respond to things intuitively? Or not? Getting into a more aligned and decisive flow may help. you to remain more organized overall. Give it a try :)


63. Balance Your Physical, Mental & Emotional Sides


61. How To Handle Criticism From A Metaphysical POV