63. Balance Your Physical, Mental & Emotional Sides


For some reason the concept of dance has kept coming up for me. Dance, while of course being a combination of many different “sides” of us, I find is primarily physical. It’s really thoroughly using and working your body. And then I started to think… How can we make it so that our physical activities are more successful? More valuable? The answer is of course integrating the mental and emotional aspects of ourselves. For example, you may be a dancer, but perhaps you put your own unique spin on your individual moves. Better yet, you are more involved with choreography and routine. Essentially, integrating more authentic mental and emotional aspects. Perhaps there could even be a dance interpreted from your own personal experiences. I think as a society we understand how much bringing in our own authentic mental and emotional experiences tends to elevate our physical doings, but I feel like this concept is hardly talked about.

While I happened to bring up the concept of dance, this can really relate to anything. Do you feel you have a particular physical skill? How can you bring more authentic mental and emotional aspects to it? Or what if it’s reversed? Do you have a mental or emotional skill that you can make tangible? Often times, it’s integral for myself as a channeler to either work with clients or publish/execute my findings. I find that the more personal, or the more silo’d to my point of view, the better. I’m also going to take a little bit more as to why we like information shared from someone’s unique perception value (such as a podcast vs. reading a news article), but when we produce work that is a combination of authentic elements of all of these things (physical, mental and emotional), we are essentially encompassing all aspects of our spirituality. It’s literally the trifecta, and it can’t be stopped.

Consider moving forward what you can do to integrate all of these things. Know that it doesn’t necessarily have to be your own creation. How about cleaning, which is a physical activity? Can you make it a mental game? Or what about listening to music which can illicit a particular emotion? Personally, I feel there are lots of ways to “hack” the system, whether we are creating a product for the collective or if we’re simply getting things done in our everyday life. The more we balance out these elements the more we will feel “whole” or one with ourself.


64. Women Are Perceptive: They Can See The Future


62. Is Timing Everything?