65. Ancestry Trauma
For some reason, ancestry trauma has become front and center lately. I wonder if we’re simply going through an energetic time period where old, negative or stagnant energy is generally coming to the surface for the collective. Or perhaps something related to the “past” or ancestors in general. And perhaps, it’s just me!
But I do feel that ancestry concepts and themes (perhaps the title of this was too negative, as it does swing positive as well) is always prevalent within our lives, and we have the opportunity to ignore it and allow it to potentially become a detriment to us, or embrace it and work through the challenges being informed.
So what exactly is ancestry trauma? Essentially they are concepts and themes which are passed down to us. We would physically describe it as our “DNA”, but otherwise simply the energy which has existed before us and has attached onto us in order for us to work through. We are truly descendants of our biological ancestors, and we inhabit their concepts and themes. Don’t get me wrong, we don’t always live out the same lives as our ancestors. In fact, often times we don’t. This is partially due to the fact that a lot of times our ancestors resolved their previous ancestry trauma, and other times because their particular life experiences were a bit different than ours. Many times, there are different forms of physical manifestations of concepts and themes in order to learn all aspects of them in their entirety.
Often times I find that you really have all that you need to know in regards to ancestry trauma, so long as you’re aware of the ongoings of your parents, as well as your grandparents. If for whatever reason you do not know your biological parents, I do find that foster parents and/or mentors often times by law of attraction exhibit similar concepts and themes. If you have any medical data, this can also speak to overarching concepts and themes, as often times parts of the body speak to different challenges. Depending on the particular condition, it’s often times related to a chakra, or has deeper symbology or meaning. I’m currently writing my health and wellness guide at the moment which goes deeper into these topics. If all else fails, consider that themes that you struggle with are likely tied back to ancestry themes overall. While I do find it to be helpful to narrow into these themes, it’s certainly not a huge detriment to not be aware of them. You can easily overcompensate by aligning more closely to your intuition.
So let’s start with your parents. Often times biological parents represent two concepts in and of themselves. Sometimes they are closer in congruency and alignment, and other times they are clashing. Although it’s unlikely that two themes are overly clashing, of course our overall vibration and our willingness and ability to overcome fear are also contributing factors. But generally, two themes nonetheless. It’s not always easy to deduce this information, particularly when you’re so close to them. You may even ladder it back to their birth chart if you’re struggling. Do your parents represent individuality and community? How about expression or self-reflection? Maybe it’s creativity and more pragmatic living. Consider that there of course may be more than one. One of the easiest ways to tell is what your parents struggle with. What is particularly hard for them, and what challenges do they seem to face over and over again? It definitely seems that over time this information seems to become more obvious. Now of course, if they don’t have any major struggles you can always look to their strengths as well. Often times their careers and hobbies are also a clue in to what their life purpose is, as well as their themes.
Now, it’s time to do this for grandparents. Now I know that some people aren’t particularly close to their grandparents, so this can be a little bit more challenging. Again, I usually default to specific stories, memories or job/career. If you find that multiple people in your family tend to have similar strengths or struggle with the same challenges, this is a major clue. Sometimes overarching concept work is a bit challenging if you’re not used to doing it, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll start to notice these patterns everywhere.
The whole key to this is not only looking for signs, but being open regarding the different physical manifestations that are a result of these concepts and themes. For example, my last name represents the term “warrior” so to speak. Many of my ancestors fought in wars or were warriors of their own kind. The concept and theme of “fighting” is a strong one throughout my ancestry karma. However, I’ll likely never be a part of a physical war in this lifetime. But “fighting” for something is incredibly metaphoric. Whether that’s for myself or for others.
Lastly, if you’re really struggling with coming to terms with these themes, ask for signs. Things to “stand out” to you as you’re going throughout your daily life. Certain memories may pop into your head regarding your parents or grandparents. Or perhaps you start to notice certain themes throughout your life in other ways, such as your own relationships, your own self-reflection, or perhaps even in entertainment. Many times characters can help provide us insight into different types of archetypes and people.
So what happens when you’ve figured out these themes? Well, it’s up to you. But consider that these concepts and themes will likely affect potentially the smaller aspects of your day to day life, but particularly the larger ones that you face in this lifetime. Many times it ladders up to some type of a life purpose or an overarching life challenge or struggle. Often times people consider ancestry trauma to be “curses” that they can’t run away from, and are doomed to repeat. You’re only doomed to repeat ancestry trauma if you truly believe it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. But the entire point is to transmute it. In fact the reason that you’re being faced with it is because subconsciously you truly believe that you can handle it and transmute it. And your ancestors believe it, too.
Remember that typically these concepts and themes are not only weaknesses, but strengths as well. Every theme is a swinging door. You’ll likely be put in situations where you shine, as well as situations which challenge this. It’s going to be very apparent and present for you in different ways/forms as you go throughout your life. Perhaps you may even get some memories or dreams regarding past or parallel lives related to them.
Keep moving forward and don’t give up. You are truly destined to overcome this trauma and make a better life for the descendants which come after you. Even if you don’t have biological children yourself, you still share an overarching collective consciousness for the world. Consider how your impact not only affects you and your quality of life, but those who come after you as well, even if they’re just simply your neighbors across the world.