66. Your Intuition Isn’t False, It Hasn’t Actualized Yet


One of the most challenging parts of my process while studying and practicing to be a psychic/medium was the concept of being “right”. In fact, I’m sure this concept is pervasive throughout several different jobs and careers, if not all. I mean we essentially cease to be a united front of a consciousness if we can’t align. This is also why I value science so much. We have a baseline, a starting point where we can all circle back to. But what happens when right ceases to be right? Or when situations seem to live outside of this “right”? It happens often and it can be frustrating for all those involved.

I talk a lot about how being “right” is simply a fallacy that we’ve constructed in order to align ourselves to a collective physical reality. It is important, but not everyone wants to be a part of this collective. If current times have showed us anything, it’s that often times people are uninterested with reason and logic, but simply emotion and their own authentic feelings. Or perhaps worse, the fear being driven from their own negativity.

When you mean so heavily into right and wrong, you’re technically part of a fractal, which is a deviation of source energy or “god”. Source incorporates everything, so right and wrong are simply deviations of this. But since we live in a fractaled reality, they are certainly very obvious and prominent deviations. Deviations which greatly affect our everyday life.

Part of the value in being a psychic, or quite frankly several other professions is validation. It’s delivery. Connection with a client and surprise and delight moments. How can you technically do that when “right” doesn’t technically exist? Or when “right” is always changing?

I would stress myself out so much with psychometry exercises. Or in other words, those exercises where you would have to distinguish what is being “hidden” in a box or in someone’s hand. I was never truly able to accurately describe what it was. However I certainly know that other people possess a stronger gift. So why is it that psychics can be challenged with delineating elements of a physical reality? My hypothesis for at least myself, is that reading energy only partially includes physical reality. Energy isn’t physical, and therefore its true essence and meaning is often times not described in physical form. But what if its true essence or meaning is more important than it’s physical form? It goes beyond its physical form to provide more value? Would psychics even provide value if they were simply just stating things how they are? Where is the insight and growth? We would all simply be perpetuating reality as it exists in this moment. No actual foresight into the future.

The other interesting aspect of this conversation is that often times intuition can not only pick up on different lives but quite frankly any sort of alternate dimension. And some information may not entirely exist yet. What if a client was posed with a topic or statement/fact which did not entirely fit their current circumstance? Would that advice be void? Non-essential? What if it was actually incredibly essential, but not entirely coherent for this exact point and place in time. We are so quick to confirm right or wrong, yet we have absolutely no legitimate understanding of the past, future or even present. And often times our subconscious, or the conscious collective as a whole. How can we be so truly arrogant to say something is non-essential when we have .0001% of the “facts”?

The point of this entire article is that we may have intuition regarding ourselves or others which may not make sense for a certain point and place in time. But we should not dismiss it. This has happened to me on so many occasions. Instead of believing this advice because it made sense to me, I simply considered it irrelevant. Meanwhile it would have greatly helped me to acknowledge and accept this advice even when I didn’t have a clear sense of it’s relevance. But think about it… don’t we do this all the time? We are constantly putting ourselves in positions where we don’t entirely see the relevance. Have a tie-in to our current life. We should treat our intuition the same way.

To sum up, don’t get caught up in the concept of right or wrong or relevant or irrelevant. When your intuition talks to you, listen. This advice may be coming prematurely to help you in a circumstance which may occur in the future.


67. How Do I Know What I Know?


65. Ancestry Trauma