77. Earth’s Environment Trajectory
It’s interesting for me to see so much hyper-awareness regarding the environment. There’s a lot of push for climate change research, legislation and tips and tricks. Overall, I think this is a great thing. But what I don’t feel is a great thing is our anxiety and nervousness regarding the environment overall. Particularly when I see that people don’t want to bring children into the world as a result of our treatment toward the environment. This I feel like is not totally aligned with what I perceive to be “truth” in regards to the future of nature, however I do feel it’s speaking to a larger issue which is humanity’s problems in general. What i will say is this. I am not concerned at the moment regarding the fate of our earth, as it is coded to survive. Or in other words, the nature’s matrix is “survive by any means necessary”, but I am much more concerned about humanity’s relationship to the environment. I’ll explain why.
The great thing about the earth’s consciousness (because it is a conscious being) is that it’s proactive. We know this because the earth is a gigantic ecosystem. It’s not reactive, or in other words, it’s not a domino effect. It’s all happening immediately at once. There are several different microclimates operating sot hat we have air, earth, fire and water. And although some areas may be suffering, it still remains habitable for itself, and for us to live. Earth’s consciousness is also intelligent, which means that it can change its trajectory. If the environment didn’t have consciousness, it would simply be a repeated pattern. It would rain every other day, vs. sporadically. Everything would be a mathematical equation. However it’s reasonably unpredictable, and it changes constantly. It simply adapts to the needs of… whatever. However we don’t like to consider anything to have consciousness unless it’s personified. But for all intents and purposes, it’s “alive”.
What I feel our biggest hangup is regarding the environment is that it must remain exactly the same. This idea just isn’t sustainable, in my opinion. The earth has to evolve, as we are also evolving at an exponential rate. As we change, the earth must change, and vice versa. It may just be impractical to keep certain species if the earth is rejecting their reproduction. Consider that what is truly meant to be, will be. When the earth relieves itself of what is no longer necessary, it gives opportunity, space and room to create what needs to be here.
What I feel is one of the biggest issues between our humanity and the environment is this over-inundation of fear. We are incredibly afraid of what we are doing to the environment, however we also lack a significant amount of personal responsibility, as well as proactive activism for change. But even if we do, we still feel out of control. When we ultimately harbor this negative energy, it exists. And it exist sin a way which may make us feel helpless and out of control. This is as a result, becoming a huge problem for our proactiveness. It hinders us, and puts us in arrested development. We need to have hope and optimism for the future, even if only for the sole purpose of making a difference, a change, and an impact.
Personally, I feel that humanity is more likely to destroy itself before the universe. While controversial, in the war of humanity vs. environment, I do feel that we are the agitators, or in other words, “the disease”. So why is this important? If we are the “disease”, this means that we are agitating the problem. So hypothetically, if it wasn’t the earth, we would simply be agitating another problem. We are the issue, and we need to address this root cause. So hypothetically, if the earth magically changed over night, we would ultimately continue to destroy it, or find something else to destroy. At least in this particular scenario, nature can fight back, since it has this proactive consciousness.
So what exactly is this “issue”? I think it can be almost anything. There’s some type of a serious disconnect between us and the environment, and we need to stop rejecting it. We must lean into empathy, compassion, self-responsibility and proactiveness. If humans have issues with any of these things, it’s more likely that they will neglect the environment. Again, we need to address the root cause. And I think quite frankly, it can be a different root cause for every human.
I find that the biggest issue is that we are blissfully unaware as to how nature affects us. Our setting and our environment is so important for our overall health. It’s literally what we interact with on a daily basis. We need it now, and not just in the future.
What happens if we continue to reject our connection to the environment? If we do, we cut ourselves off energetically. Humanity silo’s itself, if it refuses to treat the earth in a healthy way. This means that we reject ourselves not only from the problems of the earth, but also the benefits from it. The entire goal of us being here is to focus on integration. A healthy back and forth of energetic connection. We cannot be on our own energetic “island” so to speak. Because we need help. We cannot distance ourselves from our physical reality energies.
We must acknowledge, accept and stop rejecting the environment as a whole. We must become more integrated. We must have more empathy overall. Consider what fears you have related to the environment, and what blockages you have from creating a more healthy connection. Rather than fixate and focus on fears related to it, use this fear for power of good. For change and forward motion.