78. The “Veil”
It’s interesting because I’ve heard a lot of mixed comments on “the veil”. “The veil” is essentially the term for saying how “close” our physical reality is to the other side at any given point and place in time. Sometimes there is considered to be a “veil” up, and the hypothetical “opacity” of this veil is how connected we are or not to the other side. I do feel that the veil is very real, but I’ll explain why.
It’s challenging to understand precisely how dimensions work in terms of how “close” or not they are to us, or how exactly they operate in a point and place in time. What we do know is that the spirit world certainly interacts with ours, so in other words, we must be closer rather than farther apart. Often times spirits’ resonant energy still “lives” here, which could on one hand mean that a separate dimension is directly on top of us, or, it exists within our physical realm, but we aren’t totally aligned to it. Either is possible.
So hypothetically, if a separate dimension is not simultaneously living on top of us, we would just be limited with the question of whether or not the veil exists, and what it means when it’s at a higher or lower opacity.
I can say with certainty that I have felt there are days in which the collective was more tuned into spirituality. Would this not equal a veil? I feel it would.
I do also feel that certain lunar aspects make us fluctuate closer or farther apart from the spirit world, as well.
Naturally, as our energy flow is like a pulse, it goes up and down. One day we may be close, another day we may be farther apart.
It’s possible that some people feel that the veil is just a perception. Perhaps we exacerbate this “veil” from our own minds. However I do feel that I’ve felt the “veil” on more than one occasion.
I do often times draw influence from Halloween, a day in which I feel this “veil” is lifted, and there’s much communication between our collective and the spirit world. In fact, it feels that many spirits visit us here on earth.
There are so many different ideas and ways that we spiritually communicate with “the other side” and other dimensions. Whether we want to think of the veil as an actual energetic “veil”, or perhaps just as a concept of closer and farther apart. However, it would seem unlikely to me that there aren’t barriers to our connection or different dimensions in some way shape or form.
Due to that fact alone, I would have to argue that a veil exists. And as mentioned, as a result of typical energetic movements, it must fluctuate.