83. Why Religion Is Outdated


Every so often on TikTok I come across arguments between religions. I get it. Religion is an incredibly touchy subject. Not only is it just a religion, but it takes hold of peoples’ identities. I certainly wouldn’t want to cross anyone’s beliefs. But what I notice is particularly strange is the arguments that people take over in particular, the bible. My question is… why? I understand that it’s the “word of god”, but why is anyone paying attention to a book written so long ago? And in particular, one that’s been translated. I can see that when you have something you hold onto so tightly as being “truth”, you don’t let go of it. But here’s what I don’t understand. Why still use it? Time has evolved regardless, and this will no longer be relevant for future collectives. But anyways, this is all regardless because…

The other side evolves.

While it’s true that overarching concepts regarding religion, our purpose here, the afterlife, etc. may remain the same. Particularly because through intention we like to have these texts remain relevant (for some reason), so of course there is still an overarching relevancy. But. everything speaking to physical do’s and don’ts, or guidelines is no longer relevant. These texts speak about time so long ago. And to be honest, they may have not had the foresight to understand what life would be like even decades from when it was written. 

Let’s go back to the universal truth that we are all from “source”. We are all collective beings and we are all leaning on each other for our growth, evolution and development. When our consciousness evolves, everything in the entire universe evolves. When we raise our vibration, everything in the entire universe raises its vibration. Perhaps it’s not a lot, but it’s certainly something. Because again, we are all one at the end of the day. So. If we on earth change and evolve, the other side must to, no? We are passed souls and we are going into the afterlife. Does this mean we don’t evolve? Does this mean when we die, we’re suddenly back to B.C. era? Of course not. We simply “are” when we cross over. Which means the other side is cumulatively people who are present-day. We simply always “are”, and if we do not unify to change perceptions regarding religion, and how it tells us to act, we’re just perpetuating nonsense which is incredibly irrelevant. Of course it’s good to have ethics and morals, but why are we so strict and stringent on what is physically “correct”?. If we as a culture and a society have deemed that things are OK and acceptable, that means it’s acceptable on the other side. Periodt. There is no “final ruling” of right or wrong, because we cumulatively make up the entire other side. Our energy is the other side, as it mirrors here on earth. The other side changes and evolves, and is beholden to us incarnated and vice versa. That means as the other side is changing, we are too.

But let’s look into another argument. Say you don’t believe this, and that the other side doesn’t evolve. That would theoretically mean that we are disconnected energetically. We somehow have a separate energy source in terms of evolvement. When we die, we just plop into another evolved universe. Well, I suppose that’s possible, but that technically means that we are energetically disconnected. We are not beholden to anything on the other side, if that’s the case. Certainly not heaven or hell, etc. We can just peace out. There is no energetic tie or connection.

The point of all of this is that there isn’t a scary man that judges on the other side, it’s just us. It’s us as a collective, and us as individuals. Although I understand that this as a fact likely goes against peoples’ beliefs, I just ask that you take this blog post into consideration. Just the ideas. The universe continues to evolve. It doesn’t remain stagnant. Please don’t enforce physical boundaries on others, as it just overall... stunts consciousness and growth. We should be aligned, we should have morals and ethics, but they should be intuitive, logical and sensible for the collective as we exist at this moment. Or else we’re just doing, and not really thinking.


84. Why People Don’t Want You To Have Intuition


82. Is “Wild” Media Detrimental To Teens?