84. Why People Don’t Want You To Have Intuition
I admit, as a psychic there’s not a TON of times where I felt like my intuition “saved” me. But there are certainly some. I’m not the kind to brag that my intuition radar has determined peoples’ intentions or been able to sift “good” people from “bad” ones. To be honest, I feel like that’s a pretty harsh distinction. But, regardless. Even when I first meet people, I generally give them the benefit of the doubt, even if something is “off”. To be honest, sometimes that feeling of “off” is just something that they’re dealing with that day, or nervousness in a social setting. There’s lots of people I didn’t like when I first met them, but grown to love (oops, lol).
But it is safe to say that I’ve certainly been attempted to be manipulated before. And really the only thing that has come through me moving forward with that particular interaction, connection or relationship is my intuition. Not to say I’m perfect. In fact, often times my guides swoop in and end it before I even have the chance as a safety precaution (no confirmed verbal spirit guide swoopings, but lots of validations and feelings).
You’ll notice that when people pressure you, they attempt to use manipulation tactics in order to cloudy your judgment, or your intuition. Sometimes, they may not even be fully aware of it. But they essentially try their best to get what they want, whatever that is.
If someone is so good at manipulation by physical means, what could possibly stop them? Seemingly nothing. Except… drumroll… intuition.
Have you ever had someone react to you in such an obscene manner? Particularly when you put up a boundary? Perhaps they got away with pushing their limits so much, that eventually they did something (or a collection of somethings) which triggered an intuitive alarm. Or perhaps your intuitive alarm was triggered early on, but due to their physical actions, they were able to “convince” you that your intuition was false.
Your intuition is ultimately the only level of discernment that you have. It’s the only thing you have which is not only yours, but is your only filter against what is truly good for you at a point and place in time vs. bad. This is something which is so incredibly sacred to you, so valuable to you, and yet often times, we don’t even listen to it. Sometimes intuition can come through emotions, and other time’s it’s a physical “feeling”. You know how sometimes when you’re in a bad situation, you feel uneasy, or even sick?
Intuition is so personal to us, that perhaps you may be the only one in the room feeling a certain way. But perhaps there’s a reason for that. Perhaps you may be the only one who is at a disadvantage.
Now this isn’t a post dedicated to the importance of intuition, but it is important. People will try to use you and abuse you in this lifetime. In some ways, it’s part of a natural energetic process of give and take. But when people find that you have something that they want, at times they will stop at nothing to get it. And they won’t make it obvious. Know who is out for your best interest by practicing your intuition. Again, it’s really the only defense you have against someone who says and does all the right things.