85. How To Deduce Something To Its Purest Form


When we think of this concept physically, perhaps there are some elemental considerations which come to mind. How can we physically deduce something to its purest form? Perhaps there are scientific methods of “breaking” things down. Perhaps we’re removing the excess. But what’s left? Is it technically its purest form? And does that have different meanings for different things, or for different people?

While there may be slight nuances for anything and everything, we can understand a concept of deducing something to “purity”. But how?

Personally, I believe that seeing, hearing, touching, feeling something which is genuine resonation is considered “pure”. Can you look at something or someone without any judgments or preconceived notions? Can you “see through” what meets the eye?

What if we were to truly spend time with something and simply listen and observe what it has to tell us. What can we notice, which others may not? What can we glean, what can we understand? If we even simply turned something around slightly, we would be faced with an entirely new perspective. Something which we haven’t seen before. I believe that we “anticipate” too much. We have a preconceived notion of an outcome. But what if we never did? What if we let “it”, whatever it was, do the talking?

How can we integrate this into our life? Can we sit with certain things, particularly natural elements and deduce them to their purest form? Can we sit with a leaf and be able to gaze at it and truly understand its essence, and its purpose? Its belonging in the universe? Allow it to exist within the confines of a much greater ecosystem, which may participate in a butterfly effect which inevitably influences something else, quite important half way around the world? What if we viewed everything like that? Everything incredibly important and sacred.

I wonder how much of this intuition we’ve lost over time, and why. Do we simply not have enough “time” to dos o? Have we overcompensated our learnings with preconceived judgments and learnings? And as a result, have we lost value?

Even if we decided to sit in a different place in our apartment, we may gain insight which we have never seen before. Try doing simplistic exercises where you take an item. What do you observe, that perhaps others do not? Can you break through this perception value, or perceived reality? As a result, can you develop true creativity?

What if we do this with people? Considering we’re all “one” and from the same collective, this would theoretically mean that we all share an uninhibited love for one another, deep down. While we may get frustrated with others and even “hate” them, we technically only do so because we project a preconceived notion or reality on top of them. But their essence is theoretically that of consciousness and of love. And while we have boundaries and nuances within our society to “place” them in made up categories and compartments, we can never truly say that someone is uninteresting. That they have nothing to offer. That we don’t have resonation with them. I wonder how different life would be if we leaned more closely into this fact.

If you want to truly “live” the way that is energetically intended, start deducing things down to their “purest” form. Their intention, their reasoning, their essence.


86. You Can Be Any Kind Of Spiritual


84. Why People Don’t Want You To Have Intuition