96. Help Others By Helping Yourself
Here’s a helpful tip I learned the hard way.
When you feel that your loved ones are out of control, or out of your control. Or perhaps they need help, or simply more help than you can give them, it’s important to understand that there’s a level of grace and discernment with “letting go”, particularly when you’ve done all that you can. I think on a subconscious level we know and understand that there’s not much left that we can do, but it still certainly hurts. And beyond that, perhaps we continue to think of ways that we can help this person. Or that if we had more, they would have ore, and that we would have more to give them. While there are slim parts of this which may be true, for the most part it’s a fallacy. Typically the person doesn’t want help because they don’t want to help themselves, truly.
So where does this leave you? Often times frustrated, out of control and in a lot of disappointment and pain. But, alas! There is one last thing that you can do.
We are all incredibly energetically connected to each other, as well as all of those in the universe. We all come from the same source. And when we interact with others, our energy “sticks” on to the other person like little energetic orbs. The closer that you are to a person, whether that be through relationships or genetics, the stronger this energetic bond is.
While we often times don’t like to consider ourselves to have many “flaws”, particularly when we ar in comparison to someone who has more overt problems, or perhaps problems which we perceive to be easy to solve, the chances are, you’re at a very similar vibrational level to those you’re surrounded with, through law of attraction.
So if all of these elements are true, there’s reason to believe that if we continue to improve upon ourselves, by proxy, we may improve other people. I find that all of our “attachments” are like a web, anyway.
Consider the concept or the theme that this other person is struggling with. Do you struggle with it, but in a slightly different way? Remember that every physical manifestation ladders up to an overarching concept or theme. Just because you don’t display the precise physical manifestation, or perhaps in that same category of lief, doesn’t mean that you don’t struggle with it equally or slightly less. IF you consider how you can improve yourself in these areas, or simply overall, by proxy, you may end up helping to heal the person going through this struggle or trauma.
Now I know how this sounds. This ultimately means that I’m saying you could potentially be responsible for this other person’s healing. The answer is yes, but also no. At the end of the day, this is really all about your self-development, and healing others is just a nice and dandy “extra” bonus. There’s no real “guarantee” that quite literally anything is going to happen, it’s mainly based on hope and faith. But as a whole, consider that your actions do affect other people. When you’re hurting, your loved ones are hurting. Our actions do not only have consequence, but particularly for our loved ones. If you observe your relationships and connections, you may start to notice or understand that they go through similar life themes as you, but perhaps in slightly different ways or at slightly different times. Again, law of attraction is at work.
It’s also worth noting that when everyone in your life is doing well, you may be feeling particularly well. Unless you’re under a feeling of anger, resentment and jealousy, which would therefore be of course a negative reaction or fear on your end. But ideally, when things are going smoothly, you’re feeling good. And you may ultimately take this good feeling and use it productively or constructively towards something else. Good vibes certainly carry on and are contagious.
At the end of the day, I think that it’s a nice concept, and I don’t consider it to be particularly burdening or draining. In some ways, it gives you more power and control. I always lean into this when I see a close connection struggling. I know that in some way shape or form, we share a connection. And if I can support my own self with that theme, I may just be able to help them indirectly, as well.