95. Can You Eliminate Fear By Imagining Results?
Often times when I suggest that people consider their futures, I suggest that they do visualization exercises, or perhaps as we would know, imagination exercises.
Essentially I recommend that either early in the morning or late at night (when we’re most lucid), you get into a relaxed, meditative state and you “picture” your life from one of a couple or a few circumstances. You can of course do more than a few, however, I often times find that you can successfully achieve what you would like in a handful of “paths”, so more than a few can serve to distract you or muddle the concepts.
So at this point, you visualize each of these paths one by one. While you do not entirely know what the future will hold specifically, often times your intuition will help imagine or fill in the gaps. So say for example, you have 3 options to choose for as a job. Just simply “picture” yourself at each job, even if it’s not entirely factually correct, and see how you intuitively react, or how you feel to each option. Even if it’s hypothetically a black screen, you can often times pick up on energies of anxiety, stress, happiness, etc. Even simple cues such as this can help you make a decision.
So how can you eliminate fear in this process? If you “imagine” the worst results (which by the way, is absolutely not an indication of what will happen in the physical world), you can “live” out these experiences, rather than completely avoiding/rejecting the idea. While some people consider this to be dangerous, I ironically feel it’s a useful tool. It’s kind of actually the entire purpose of dreaming. We can live out more scary and dangerous scenarios without bringing them into physical life.
While these are two slightly separate concepts. For example, the “options” route would be to choose which option to take, you can take the fear-elimination route with one scenario and several different options of this one thing.
Often times as humans we tend to make mountains out of mole hills. We fear the worst and will refuse to let it enter our conscious thoughts. But the truth is, it’s already a “real” reality, and it’s up to us whether we want to integrate it and face it, or completely turn a blind eye.
Consider that what we don’t know can ultimately hurt us. Although it’s scary to face options, it’s often times in our best interest to be aware. As we know, ignorance is bliss, so I completely understand the natural inclination to live in a safe “bubble”. So perhaps there’s ultimately a balance between both worlds.
What I do want to point out is that when we are afraid of something about to happen, this energy is already “inside” of us in our thoughts. Which hypothetically means that it’s already working against us through law of attraction. If we can “face” it in our imagination, theoretically we are transmuting it and letting it go.
Whether or not you choose to use this particular technique, I find that facing fears is certainly not making them a reality. In fact, by hiding them deep within yourself, you may ultimately make the situation worse. When you present your fear to others, while it’s true that hypothetically people can take advantage of this and make it worse, I find that most people are enthusiastic about the authenticity and relatability. But beyond that, many people are poised to help you transmute this as well. And if you do it right, you can help others successfully transmute their fears, and be a leader on a particular topic or theme.
Fear transmission starts with us, but ends with all of us. It’s a community effort to help educate others on transmuting fear. Consider which fears or problems and issues have plagued you. It may just be that in the future. you will be called to help others overcome the same thing.