98. Fasting Or Other Dietary Changes


While I certainly am not an expert in regards to dieting or nutrition, and I don’t really want to be, the concept of fasting and/or making a dramatic change to your diet has some interesting energetic side effects.

Fasting has been used for spiritual purposes, primarily as what I would consider some type of biological reset, but also a way for the body to be free to not only any toxins it may be over inundated with, but cloudiness in general. While food is extremely important and beneficial and keeps us grounded to the earth, it can be said that fasting does the opposite. Perhaps it keeps us more connected to spirituality. Ideally of course, having a balanced diet would be a way to keep both of these extremes in check.

But if you’re struggling with having a spiritual breakthrough, or really any type of breakthrough, a sizable change to your routine (not just nutrition) could be the key. Any integration fo newness is essentially breaking a traditional “loop” of sorts. Particularly if you are sort of a non-thinker when it comes to meals. When you’re doing the same thing over and over again, you really have limited consciousness interjection. So if you order the same meal from the same place, or consistently order the same groceries, not only are you only gaining the benefits from those foods over and over again, but you have no consciousness interaction. In other words, you can’t be entirely sure that these are intuitively the meals that you should be eating now or at certain times. This is where the concept of intuitive eating comes through.

Now I understand that means and access are important parts of this. Perhaps you don’t always have the option or choice. But I do still feel strongly that within a limited selection, or within a budget, there are at least some options for choice. Whether that being the healthier option, the unexpected option, or just any option which is different than before. If you have trouble making change (and by the way, I wouldn’t do so regarding health and wellness without speaking to a licensed professional), consider making small moves or small steps at first. While sometimes you may feel it’s necessary to go cold turkey (such as I did into a new diet), the results can be dramatic, but also painful. And sometimes it doesn’t work for everybody’s bodies. Know that if you need to switch gears, or as you may perceive it to be, “fail” with what you’re setting out to do, you’re not really failing. You’re simply re-accommodating to your body’s needs. Going into any sort of new or partially restricted or silo’d diet can be really challenging, particularly without practice.

It is true that you are what you eat, energy wise. But that’s not to say there are any bad foods, or foods which should be vilified. But consider what energy source is being brought into your body. Foods from the “ground” not only bring you closer to being grounded, but they are also clearer channels, as they haven’t been overly worked or processed. When you eat more processed foods, it sort of “clouds” your energetic body, which can have a variety of side effects. One, being farther away from physical reality as well as source, but two, it can quite literally “cloudy” your judgment, and your decision process. 

Not, it’s sure that some people find success with an abundance of food as well as processed foods, but I personally find it to be more challenging.

Remember that there’s really no “need” to alter your diet, or make any dramatic change, but if you intuitively feel it’s time for an energetic reset, it could be the key.

Ensure that you’re being careful with this process. You don’t want to do any long-term damage or major disruptions which will be not worth your while, or counter intuitive to this process. Reach out to a licensed professional in regards to changes in your nutrition and diet.

And remember that food is really a tool. There are no bad tools, but only more useful tools for what you’re seeking out to do. Use them properly, and wisely. Modifying your process can help you gain intended results. But ensure that the intended results are thoroughly valuable for yourself and your energetic body. In other words, superficial modifications may be short-lived, as well as not entirely “digested” by your energetic body. Consider intention setting a “full body” transformation including not just physical, but mental and emotional as well. When you have all of these aspects on board, you’re more likely to make longer lasting change.

At the end of the day, lean into your intuition in regards to what choices you want to consider making. There’s so much information out there regarding diet and nutrition, it’s practically impossible to know what’s right for you. Intuition is your strongest discerning function.


99. Intuition Can Save Your Life (Literally)


97. Potato Logic